Neurostatins – a new way to kill the elderly – blowing the lid on a toxic, catastrophic cash cow.

Once again, like many times in history, a drug with catastrophic side effects, for which the patent was due to expire in 2016, is being rushed through as the next great hope in the fight against Alzheimer’s.

Clever pharma spin had been planting the seed for at least 3 years. Cleverly chosen words now have even the best doctors believing it is the next stealth bomber in the fight against Alzheimer’s…

Do you still hold the belief that the medical system is here for your benefit? Do you really think that the aged care system – groaning from underfunding and a veritable burgeoning goldmine – truly cares for the people making them wealthy?



I hear stories daily of the elderly being summoned at least monthly, sometimes fortnightly ($39 payment from medicare) to their doctor’s surgery. What amounts to a full day out – leaving the house at 8am, sitting in the waiting room while the private insurance patients are taken care of (don’t feel bad, they have nothing to do anyway, right?), finally seen at around noon (appointments actually made for hours earlier) – hardly spoken to as the caring doctor stares at their screen…

Roll up your sleeve, check your blood pressure. You ‘must’ have cholesterol and heart issues so here is another drug (without checking any possible contraindications until the patient returns with more symptoms – another $30 per box kickback while the PBS takes care of the rest)… Here’s a flu jab, or how long since you have had a vaccine for (insert any name here) and thanks very much ($16 per jab incentive up on top of the initial kickback)….

$85 profit per consult (free to you and me but the govt happily pays). I don’t go to doctors for any other reason than moral support for the occasional concerned friend or family member. But the few times I have, I have spent an average hour waiting. The last incident I counted 5 elderly waiting their turn with more walking in on a seemingly never ending conveyor belt. Even if it were only 5 an hour, and IF the doctor only did 5 hours a day, we are talking over $2000 per week based on just the elderly, not even talking about insurance patients, kickbacks, vaccine incentives and whatever else subsidy scams are going on.



‘NEURO’ statins. Do your own google search, MIMS annual search, PubMed search. There is little on NEUROstatins. So why do you think this new drug has been invented? Its effect on lymphatic cancers is questionable AND the patent is up for grabs in 2016. As with Prozac/Sarafem, one must simply find a new sensational use – if there is none, invent one.


I have heard this from doctors’ mouths many times in my career. It’s brilliant if you think about it. There is no interest in autopsy of the elderly. When the masses die, it is dismissed as age-related or ‘natural causes’…

Headlines are screaming right now –

Neurostatins could prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s and exciting promises such as –

Neurostatins may reduce the risk of Alzheimers’ but then it gets REALLY exciting – BAM!!!!

Neurostatins may BEAT Alzheimer’s and just in case hopeful loved ones don’t see the real keywords here ‘could’ and ‘may’ other headline promises such as –







Pretty promising when it’s still a theory and notwithstanding the little issue of warnings… But has any of that stopped the masses from rushing out to pre-order before approval? Heck, most would have a lobotomy if they were told it would protect, guard, tackle, clock, inhibit or reduce the ‘risk’ of Alzheimer’s. But what ever you do, don’t suggest dietary change or God forbid, those dreaded natural therapies…

Dig a little…


What were the side effects and warnings of ‘neuro’ statins again?

  • Skin reactions (mostly itchiness and rashes)
  • Birth defects
  • Leucopenia (reduction of white blood cells – ie poor immune/fighting ability) – read anaemia, infections, fungal infections, candida, cold, flu, bone marrow diseases, lupus, splenomegaly, thyroid disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, parasitic infestations, vitamin/mineral deficiencies – in other words, just about any organ and system of the body.
  • Headache
  • Weakness/asthenia
  • Blood lipid anomalies such as hypercholesterolaemia (high blood cholesterol) and hyperlipidaemia
  • Diabetes
  • Lymphatic cancer (hang on, isn’t this what it is currently used for?)
  • Insomnia
  • Dizziness
  • Dry eyes
  • Visual disturbance, cataracts, visual impairment (read blindness)
  • Deafness
  • Peripheral oedema
  • GI upset and severe abdominal pain
  • Abnormal liver function
  • Arthralgia and bone pain
  • Myalgia
  • Altered hormone levels
  • Allergic reactions
  • Weight gain
  • Constipation
  • Tachycardia
  • Nausea & vomiting
  • Bilirubin or blood in urine

But don’t worry; they can put most of those symptoms down to age and besides, medicine has vaccines in the works for each of those pesky issues. The most frustrating thing is that families are falling apart when those who believe they know best, are happily agreeing to the killing off of their loved ones. Those who just may know better are dismissed as trouble making. ANYTHING to ensure that bed is reserved, right?


Are they the same chemical makeup as neurostatins?

No. But check out the similarities in side effects.

This one particular drug – Bexarotene is an anti-cancer drug that must NEVER be given to anyone planning to have children.

What testing has taken place?

At the risk of sounding very un-medical, here’s the kicker…. A test tube experiment. And in nematode worms. Both of which obviously suffer with Alzheimer’s you understand.

Forget that it was heavily panned as a wonder AD of choice a few years ago see the real reasons they want to use it.

What’s the cost?

Well, once it’s approved for Alzheimer’s, you know the price will go up. That means anyone on insurance will be draining their benefits. If it’s on PBS or if you have to pay for it, think at least (based on current prices) around $20 per DAY.

How very civil of them – the manufacturer advises that there is no relationship between the presence or severity of side effects and the effectiveness of the medication. Why thankyou very much for that vote of confidence.

In other words, the medication ‘may’ help with Alzheimer’s but it WILL kill you off much faster. Well, they did promise to do something about the ageing population ‘problem’…

If you really want to be healthy and live into old age without the threat of Alzheimer’s there are many things you can do. Don’t wait for it. Don’t become part of a sick, twisted western medicine experiment. Make no mistake, there is no funding to the tune of billions a year to ‘take care’ of the ageing population with natural methods. Thankfully there are many natural and integrative professionals already getting on with the job at their own expense. For more information and measures on how to care for your ageing loved ones, see guidelines here.



Find full eHealth online assessment HERE




Why are weightloss companies failing you?


Anyone who has ever known me or been a patient knows my dislike for weight watching/weight loss groups, programs or plans – especially those advised by pharma, doctors or well known companies. Why?

Because pharma is not trained in health or diet; doctors do 6 hours of nutrition courses in their entire training (equivalent of a fraction of high school human biology); companies are set up purely to make money. Treatments to supposedly help someone lose weight are invariably temporary – and come laden with side effects.

Untrained distributors attend rah-rah meetings and learn how to flog products. Nothing gets me going faster than seeing someone struggling with health, flogging health products – or struggling with weightloss, flogging weightloss products.


ANY diet set out just to lose weight is doomed to fail you in some way or another. If not, surely every thin person would be free of sickness or chronic disease? That is simply not true. Likewise, it’s not about calories, food pyramid or 5 food groups – these little games were made up by people who had something to gain – usually fame and money – and they have led many generations down a slippery slope of ill health and obesity.


Likewise, losing weight rapidly like big budget TV weightloss type shows advocate are riddled with issues – starvation tactics are shocking to the body; they do not teach you how to interact with the real healing food; joint/muscle/bone injuries and damage are rife; the organ damage inflicted by such trauma and shock is not a one-off or temporary. It’s permanent. While the makeover end results are great and nice to see, it’s the punishment and self doubt that is soul destroying. And sadly, down the track only a fraction are successful.


The good news is that there IS a diet that heals, rebuilds at a cellular level AND weightloss is just a welcome side effect. Keep reading to find out how…


It’s no secret that obese people are among the most malnourished despite the amount of food consumed.There is SO much you can do to get to your ideal weight BUT it must revolve around HEALTH. Healthy living, healthy habits, healthy lifestyle. And for most, these things are alien. So, what to do?

vegan 6.jpg

1. Get alkaline – for any body to be healthy, it must be alkaline – otherwise you are ageing rapidly, acid is increasing your chance of chronic illness, cancer, emotional/psychiatric illness, organ damage and yes, obesity. This point also rings true for people who cannot gain weight. See my links at HERE and link below for the CHAPS eating plan which is a food preparation and diet plan based on Dr Robert Young’s incredible research over many decades and hundreds of thousands of cases, all based around a neutral pH.

0 7 detox

2. Get moving – for some this is very difficult – but even passive exercise will help. It can be as simple as walking outside. In fact, get that vitamin D into you – it is going to have many more benefits than sitting inside thinking about it. Find an exercise program based around your life or abilities. There is an exercise program for us all – it should not be painful, other than occasional muscle burn. If you are confused, see a physio who teaches clinical pilates which will help your health as well as your body. Smashing and pounding your body at a gym may work for a while if you are inspired, but for most a gym membership is a waste.


3. Stop bad habits – do you drink sugary coke? Coffee? Lots of alcohol? Choc milks or iced coffee? STOP! Don’t cut down – it’s not about moderation – it’s about doing ALL you can to undo the damage you have already inflicted. It’s your only chance on your only body – it’s up to you, not some magical medical procedure or side-effect laden pill.


4. Find your ‘instead’ – so if you eat a lot of bread, find something else to eat instead – gluten, the protein in wheat and a few other grains, is one of the worst things you can do for your health – pain, inflammation, weight gain, digestive upset, etc. Cut it completely. Find a gluten free bread or crackers – and even luscious snacks by all means but it’s only bad habits that dictate that we must eat it with every meal. Change that habit. If you reach for table salt every meal, use Himalayan salt instead – full of electrolytes and actually good for your cells. If you reach for sugar to go with everything, make sure it’s stevia or xylitol instead. Ask what your INSTEAD is with every single habit and choice. Just because it has the dodgy healthy heart tick or weight watchers stamp of approval does not make it healthy. People actually sit around board tables discussing how to do grant proposals to set these ridiculous programs up. The latest one in Australia is probably the worst yet – Milo gets a top mark for health and wellbeing. Are you kidding me? With actors as usual, faking some form of health and fitness background. By the way, you can still get your chocolate fix


5. Water – yes, this suggestion has been done to death. That is because it’s a valid one! Did you know, if you feel thirsty, your body is already dehydrated? Your brain is the last organ to recognise thirst but once you feel thirsty your body is already in panic mode and going through damaging chemical reactions to cope – and your brain is past needing water – it actually begins to dry out and shrink. Drink water all day, even if you have to sip it. No, don’t add sugary cordials. And no, coffee or tea is not water. Stop tainting it! The only thing I ever suggest going into your water is lemon or lime juice. And for every ‘other’ drink you have – whether it’s alcohol, coffee, tea, iced drinks, fizzy drinks, etc – you need at least another cup of water instead – to undo the damage. While I don’t advocate alcohol, I know in the real world people drink it – so choose less sugary options. Without sugary fizzy additive drinks – instead, use soda water and a dash of fresh lemon or lime. Water down wine with soda water. Instead of club lemon, how about fresh lemon?NOT sugar.


6. Herbal teas – did you know, you can actually treat your health almost 100% through well chosen herbal teas? Okay so you’d really have to like tea to do that (luckily I have learned to love it) but yes, it can be done. Appetite suppressing tea, energising tea, sleep-inducing tea, lymphatic flushing tea, and so on. There are even fasting teas that help you to go without food… Just a few easy-to-make-at-home ideas (no sweetener or milk):

  • Ginger – balances hormones, soothes/heals digestion, achey joints (grate 1 teaspoon or 1 teaspoon dried, into cup hot water)
  • Parsley – flushes kidneys, clears fluid and acidity (1 teaspoon in hot water with lemon juice)
  • Rosemary – period pain, concentration and antibacterial (1 sprig in hot water)
  • Lemon grass – clears skin and blood (finely chop approx 1 teaspoon and add to hot water)
  • Sage – hormone balancing, calming (1 teaspoon in hot water)
  • Rooibos – tonic (as per directions – no milk)
  • Slippery elm – soothes stomach pain (1 teaspoon in hot water, mix well)
  • Lemon and cayenne – increases thermogenic processes (half teaspoon cayenne in half cup hot water, dash lemon juice)
  • Aloe vera – soothes digestion, skin, great laxative (squeeze contents of a 1 inch slice of aloe leaf into hot water and lemon juice)
  • Psyllium – clears bowel (1 teaspoon dissolved in hot water, with lemon)


7. Fasting – yes, you heard right. Did you know why ‘break-fast’ is named just so? Because it is meant to be the breaking of the fast. As in you should not have eaten since daybreak the previous day. And yes, that means nothing except water. Few live by this healthy rule any longer. And did you know that contrary to popular folk lore (aka modern day health advice) it does not mean shovel in as many calories as you can? It means eating healthy to fuel your body – FYI fatty food and starchy processed carbs do not fuel your body. So how do you fast? Every night eat a light meal and lots of water.


weight 4

Do not get up and have that midnight snack – make sure there is NOTHING in the fridge or pantry that resembles the life you now lead. The most astounding thing is, yes, you can have ice-cream or cake even – which tastes even better than what you now know as those foods (see free recipe page here – click on photos, albums and recipes are attached to each photo in each section).

In the morning, start with a drink of water with lemon added. If you have digestive problems, have some slippery elm to line the entire GI tract. If you suffer constipation, soak some psyllium in a tall glass of water and allow to soak up – then drink. Either dissolved in hot water or eaten off the spoon, coconut oil will flush not just cellulite but plaque from the bowel.

A detox 3

Then have a smoothie – or a freshly squeezed juice – have both if you have a large appetite or demanding day. If cereal and fruit is your thing, try raw muesli. They will give you more nutrients than any other diet possible. So, by doing this you are fasting every single night – hopefully for 12 hours – so 6 to 6, 7 to 7, or 8 to 8 and so on. And try an easy, occasional fast for real. You will need more preparation for this but you will find more here – HERE


8. Natural supplements to help heal and rebuild your body – ask yourself why health nuts are usually thin and healthy ‘looking’ – we’re not lucky magical people. Most of us have a chronically ill past but just decided enough was enough. We eat well, even if we feel like gorging some days. We stick to healthy habits – it takes some effort but it’s worth it. We don’t rely on medications to keep us alive – even if some of us did once. We just find a healthy new way to live. As in really live, not just exist.


Everything I recommend is vegan, organic and ethically sourced – all done for you – and postage from this company (now my chosen supplier due to low costs) is just a few dollars no matter where you are. It’s all affordable – far moreso than buying more food than any of us need every day. So what supplements can help you? There are just so many – find the ones that will help you but please, start with the superfood tonics, healthy foods, superfoods, high nutrients – the stuff that health is made from –

a) Appetite suppressant (healthy kind) – HERE
b) Digestive/vital organ tonic/thyroid tonic/lymphatic flush – HERE
c) Fat burning/metaboliser (non chemical) – HERE
d) Thermogenic/detox tea – HERE
e) Sugar/fat metabolism – HERE
f) Superfood/tonic/vitamin/antioxidant/herbal (vital) – HERE
g) Trace elements/minerals/energy (vital) – HERE
h) Essential fatty acids/Omegas 3/6/9 – HERE
i) Superfood meal replacement – HERE

– none of the above have the same bad side effects that are linked to so many pharma-based diet pills and treatments. They simply work. It’s not about the latest fad, or the VLCD which is a starvation diet that your body is going to rebel against; ever noticed why all these poor girls, excited about ‘advising’ you on TV ads, still carrying the extra weight – are nowhere to be seen down the track? When it fails they simply find another girl to do the ad, and so on.


(See Elizabeth’s before an after pics above)

If weightloss comes without health, what is the point? I’ve lost count of the number of weightloss patients who came to me AFTER they lost the weight and were seriously ill. Get healthy – weightloss will follow.

See here for the diet to end all diets. It will take you through a step by step programme that will change your life forever.


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Constipation – today’s ‘normal’?

Recently I came upon what I initially believed to be a really good parenting website – well sorry guys, for mums only apparently –  as only mums offer ‘sound’ advice on all things parenting. Pfft.

As usual, it was filled with health and advice topics but it wasn’t long before I was gritting my teeth and chomping to start posting. Mothers were actually suggesting that other mothers were wrong in using a healthy diet. To go and discuss diet with doctors, who are untrained in nutrition. I was the 5th alternative health professional to try and comment. You could hear the tumbleweeds. Other mothers who argued that they had raised children using safe and effective natural health methods were attacked.  If I didn’t force myself away I am pretty sure I could be responding for the next year – such is the level of misinformation on health care out there.

Group of sick children in pajamas on the floor
Group of sick children in pyjamas on the floor

As parenting slides down the slippery slope from something natural, to something that now requires constant medical, media and big brother monitoring I have to ask – how did something that should be instinctual, become so tightly bound in fear and manipulation? Kids are actually being abused and tortured in the name of health in 2015. There is now a common procedure within paediatric medicine which involves insertion of a nasogastric tube, administration of strong aperients and minerals, to drag the digestive system clean. It is painful and traumatic. Manual evacuation of impacted faeces is also common. But we can’t mention diet or gentle therapies?


The most basic of issues are now serious medical issues. Drugs are prescribed for even the minor concerns – no one seems aware that those scheduled drugs have side effects. Surgery is seen as some achievement – it’s pretty commonplace nowadays to see a gaggle of excited/tired mums gather and boast of the paediatrician, specialists and latest surgical procedures.


My kids were seen as an oddity while growing up and they each, at different times, came to me asking if I would let them be a ‘normal kid’ – why? “Because all my friends have had operations, needles, are on medications, see specialists or psychiatrists.”


Don’t get me wrong, raising 4 children was no walk in the park, especially for a (mostly) single parent. It’s just that I actively sought the best, most effective, SAFE options every single time extra effort was needed. And aside from an occasional plaster cast, there was ALWAYS an alternative.


So too with digestive disorders. Let’s get back to the basics – in utero, a baby’s body is formed based on a cocktail of DNA, heredity, chemical exposure, diet, stress and medications/supplementation. The digestion is already gearing for assault. If not delivered naturally, the most fundamental process for health is not transferred from mother to child – natural immunity and probiotic formation. If that basic nutrient/chemical is not supplemented after birth, the child is already set for some major health issues. This stems from poor immunity and digestive disorders and affects every aspect of health.


Then, the choice between breast feeding and bottle feeding rears its ugly head. This article is not an exercise in ethics or guilt but the simple fact is, the western world is the only sector where it is a ‘choice’ – and for some mystical reason millions of westerners ‘can’t’ breastfeed. I wonder why we are any different? For me it was not even a question – I would have done anything to make sure I could feed my baby the healthiest way possible – and sadly, in my circle of friends, I was the only one who did. With the middle child, the same thing. And with the twins, while even midwives and doctors went on about my ‘choices’ I didn’t see it. Even when it became obvious that just one side was ‘working’ I still fed both of them up to 12 months. No heroics, it was the best and I took steps to make sure it worked. Herbs, supplements, diet – I made it work.


Why is this so important? Somewhere along the line, vaccines and antibiotics took over where mother’s milk once stood. What naturally builds over time – natural immunity and protection – is now long gone. By the time a child reaches 1 year old, their bowel is no longer making red blood cells* and many food intolerances are ignored.

  • For the record, the true place of RBC manufacture is the large intestine – over time, as damage increases, the spleen and then bones take over – in turn, leeching vital nutrients (calcium, magnesium, silica etc) and causing osteoporotic processes while in childhood. Rather than address this with the simplest method – diet, we have become conditioned to ignore it until it becomes life threatening.


Why do you need to know this information? Well considering health begins in the digestive system, unless we address it from an early age, we are facing chronic ill health. Why is it considered quite okay to just wait to see if we end up with cancer, diabetes, and so on? Why do we now think sickness is a part of old age? It’s not. And yet it is.

We are happy to say we have allergies, yet loathe to do anything about it – yet by simply going alkaline, allergies become a thing of the past. No, we’d rather go and get a medicine that comes with a host of side effects. Worse still, we’d rather go and have a camera invading our bowel just to be told what, that we have a slow digestion?

What food intolerances are precursors or even long term effects of constipation? Has your doctor ever mentioned the importance of body pH? Yet it is THE most vital aspect of health.


Are you intentionally missing certain foods? Why is that? And more importantly, who told you this? Did you know that doctors study an elective 6 hours maximum of nutrition? And that most dietitians learn their advice from industry written books? That means people who have something to sell – wheat, dairy, meat and sugar industry. Did you get your advice from them?

Find out why the intestines of some small children are double the size of an adult’s.


In the full article, see why our eyes are linked to the health of our bowel. And find out why certain bacteria could be the difference between bowel health or your excretory system packing it in altogether. An iridologist can determine if a patient has a constipation issue without even having to use any special iriscope. It is that obvious, as the toxins begin to leech into surrounding organs and circulation. Eventually the kidneys, liver and even reproductive system are badly effected as they attempt to excrete the toxic buildup.


Unicorn Gold is a ‘before-you-squat’ potty spray. Just a few sprays of Unicorn Gold into the toilet bowl and that, skunky, putrid bathroom stench stays where it belongs – trapped deep below the surface of the toilet water. Made with REAL GOLD!

While I don’t recommend constant or excessive use of any aperient/laxative medicines, surely making an organ do its job is better than waiting for something irreversible? There are many foods that help with occasional constipation like prunes, citrus, apricots, even some chewing gums – but each of these is acidic so all they are doing is shocking the body on a temporary basis. The overall aim is to rebalance the body.


What illnesses and symptoms are linked to constipation?

  • Anal fissure (tearing)
  • Hæmorrhoids
  • Diverticulitis
  • Abdominal pain
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Colo-rectal cancer
  • Belching, bloating & flatulence
  • Weightgain
  • Nausea & vomiting
  • Impaction & bowel rupture
  • Enlarged bowel
  • Anæmia
  • Fertility issues
  • Headaches


What issues can be associated or cause constipation?

  • Medication side effects
  • Low natural probiotic reserves
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Iron & calcium supplements
  • Analgesia side effects
  • Low water and oil intake
  • Incorrect posture
  • Incorrect toileting posture
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction or injury
  • Hormone imbalance, especially œstrogen dominance
  • Pregnancy
  • Low dietary fibre

For more information on the correct diet, please see my threads on the pH miracle. But what about at-home measures that not only correct elimination regardless of age, but prevent and even reverse chronic health issues?

Probiotics – The human body consists of 90% pathogens and parasites – most of them beneficial. However, once there is an imbalance, the digestive and immune systems decline. Probiotics have many functions and are safe for use during pregnancy, for infants right through to old age. This formula has not just digestive tonics that are safe and gentle, but also a powerful probiotic that will assist in digestion, elimination and immunity – Probioactive – suitable for use in infancy and childhood. If you prefer a drop formula – Jarro-dophilus will better suit you. For older children, these chewable Berry-dophilus will help make it fun. Adult/family probiotics – Power-Dophilus.


Vital oils

  • 1 teaspoon (children) or 1 tablespoon (over 12) of coconut oil daily will not only work as a gentle laxative but release colonic plaque buildup.
  • For chronic issues and to avoid surgery, 1 teaspoon (children) or 1 tablespoon (over 12) of castor oil will relax the bowel and stimulate peristalsis while moving impaction and buildup.


Toileting habits

In many cultures and in history, humans squatted to straighten the lower bowel and evacuate sufficiently. This is especially effective when dealing with weak pelvic floors, those affected by long term medication or constipation, as it alleviates straining. There are many who prefer a squatting toilet, however in the western world most would prefer to sit. In this case you can use a simple small footstool to elevate both feet while on the toilet. This is one of the most simplest but effective measures for those with limited mobility.


Enema – many cultures use this simple at-home method on a regular basis to aid with removal of both parasites and constipation. Soap pellets are a common treatment in many African nations – mixed with herbs, they are an effective alternative to soap enemas still used in hospitals today. Simple saline enemas can be purchased, washed and re-used by using coffee, oil or soapy water. This is especially good for someone who is constipation long term – the impaction can be impossible to shift from top down, so moving things from the bottom up is the way to deal with it safely and effectively. Larger enema kits can be purchased online but the small saline 150ml bottles are more than enough.


Movement – simple movement. In infants, this can mean gentle pushing up and straightening of the legs repeatedly (warning – this must be done gently and was their muscles allow rather than forcing). Once a regular practice by new mothers and taught by child health nurses, it has all but disappeared. In older children, sedentary lives lead into worsening problems in adults. It’s no coincidence that a dog or horse, upon exercise, will evacuate within a relatively short time of exerting themselves. Movement can also include a form of acupressure which needs no professional instruction. Beginning under the rib cage and working down in straight lines, from the centre of the abdomen to just above the pubic bone, repeat to each side, then again further out until you have made four imaginary lines each side of the median – simply by pressing and releasing gently, as if you are massaging. Press and release – move the hands down a centimetre or two, press and release, move the hands down again and continue to repeat. This works in a combination of massaging the bowel contents and correcting imbalances of the digestion.


Constipation does not ‘just’ happen. It is the end result of many things. It is neither normal or part of a healthy lifestyle. As all things lead to digestion and bowel health, it is imperative that it is dealt with swiftly and in an ongoing manner. I have sadly heard of too many deaths from bowel-related health, including 100% unnecessary and unavoidable intestinal ruptures, to not want to write on this subject. Constipation in infants and children is at the highest level ever, despite access to fresh food and water, as is chronic ill health. It is up to every parent to ensure it is dealt with before it becomes a life threatening issue.


.To get an extensive alkaline chart –

Discover How The Alkaline Diet Works & Download The Complete Alkaline Food List


What To Do When You Have No Health Insurance


The con is complete. First, take away traditional healing, punish those who know truths that have kept lives safe and healthy for centuries, millenia even. Transform health care – even childbirth – into a male dominated power trip. Paint natural healing as quackery and charlatanism. Poison food and water.


When synthetic medications no longer work and are responsible for more disease than ever, start taking bodies apart, maiming and destroying life as it was known. What was once available in every garden is replaced with concrete, smaller plots of land and useless plants. Clever movie storylines have the world walking away from the theatre believing toxic vaccines which are killing thousands a year and maiming many more, are worth it in the bigger picture. How can that be?


Promote pseudo food as healthy food. Allow doctors to advise on diet when they have zero knowledge in anything natural, let alone nutritional. Make obesity a health issue instead of a lifestyle issue. The same companies making these drugs are the same companies making the poisons that now grow your food and make your home more toxic than outdoors – more toxic than a chemistry lab.


When everyone is so sick and dependent, increase prices so necessary health care is out of reach. Pay media to advise the public to ‘please see your doctor’ for even the least medical reasons so that waiting rooms are overflowing. Introduce ‘insurance’ to cover unavoidable health problems.


You are sent off – aka referred – to pathology and other specialists for expensive testing that is largely unnecessary and obsolete. I have seen one test with a bioresonance machine, or far infrared thermography for a relatively small outlay, detect far more issues and offer solutions than a whole battery of expensive and invasive medical tests. How anyone can agree to be dissected while alive in order to find out if they are unwell is beyond me – agreeing to trauma when you may be okay? Isn’t that madness?


Make insurance compulsory so that ‘free’ health services become so over-run with man made ills that people are dying on never ending waiting lists. People becoming homeless just to afford health care? Turn dying people away from hospitals if they have no insurance…..



I just cannot believe that a child dying of cancer can be allowed to die by anyone who has taken the oath – because they have no insurance. I cannot believe people are killing themselves because they are afraid of a slow painful death just because they have no insurance. Worst of all, I cannot believe that doctors possess such an arrogance that they ridicule the very therapies that are capable of helping the people they can’t or wont.


And God forbid you were born in a so-called 3rd world country. Chances are it was not a 3rd world nation before invasion and conquering nations took what they wanted. Diseases are invented and entire civilisations are no more than testing grounds for innocents.


Everything has a new fancy diagnosis. People actually feel ‘better’ about having the fanciest sounding diagnosis! The fancier the better. There are hundreds of new diagnoses based on just side effects of medication alone. And people happily take more medications to treat those symptoms when all they need do is stop the medication and live a healthier life. Even terminal issues are linked to lifestyle and environment.


While I would advise people to put a little money away ‘just in case’ I advise above and beyond this to spend every day, every cent you can, on building your health. Diet, healthy lifestyle, exercise, non toxic home care, good habits – don’t poison yourself.


There are myriad posts on this blog which offer FREE health advice. Use them! Look up ‘how to’… Type in your symptoms… What is your health worth? Recently I had a person contact me, asking for my help. They sent me half a dozen long messages every day about their health. I told them that it would be neither ethical or fair for me to spend hours every day on their issues. Yet they refused to pay for a consultation. I think the comment was “What then, every time I speak to you I have to pay?” Bear in mind this person is chronically ill and happily pays for doctors to keep things this way. This person refused dietary advice despite being obese and unable to walk more than a few metres. They actually said they would prefer to have their body cut open rather than eat healthy or take natural health measures. Actually demanded I prove ahead of time that I could cure. Even though the doctors could not do this. How did ‘health care’ get to this state?


Hundreds of hours have been invested into this blog – sourced from thousands of hours of practice and research over many decades, in a wide range of health and medical care and studies. Go back to the main page and use the search bar to type in your health issues. Don’t sit back and wait to get worse, or die. Yes, you can take care of your family’s health at home. Save the waiting rooms for unexpected emergencies and issues.


Don’t play the game. Don’t allow this corrupt system to take away your life.

Vivia Formula - VF-360 Defense System







How to balance your hormones – and every other system of your body.


In my nursing days, hormones were, like the endocrine system in general, not deemed very important. I will spare the feelings of patients from those days by not sharing the comments made by sexist doctors – (even to tired and overworked nurses), who could not care less about someone’s emotions, whether they were suicidal or suffering horrific mood swings, or felt less than a woman/man. I saw reproductive glands or organs removed for no other reason than to ‘give them something to complain about’…


Fast forward a few decades and it became a very common thread in my practice. All roads led to hormone imbalance. Among the most common and basic well known links –

  • Diabetes: while linked to insulin and sugar metabolism, the entire endocrine system was affected. Balance the hormones and you can often restore health.
  • Cellulite: While gluten and bad diet, sedentary lifestyles affect circulation and the mostly ignored lymphatic system, hormone balance can restore a smooth, supple state of affairs.
  • Depression: over-medicated, over-medicalised, all cases of depression are affected in some way, by hormone imbalance. Why is it so easy for the health profession to overlook the fact that men beat women to death when their hormones are out of whack? Or that women get post natal depression so easily after birth – ie when the hormones remain out of whack?
  • Digestion: not just dependent upon enzymes, hormones play a vital role in balanced digestion.
  • Energy: it’s no secret that if you are low in testosterone, you will be tired. If you are low in progesterone, you will just not be bothered wanting to do anything.
  • Enzymes: we are given a set number of enzymes at birth – these recycle and are released over time to trigger, through various life stages, to grow the right hormones. With today’s fast paced world, poor diet and stressors, we use up our supplies at a relatively early age. This means our hormones are peaking younger and younger. Then we’re done. We don’t know what to do in order to slow it down or develop more.
  • Heart disease – hormones and imbalance play a large part in heart disease and all the knock-on effects.
  • Tissue integrity – the strength of your connective and elastic tissue is dependent upon many things – including an intricate hormone balance.
  • Sleep – without adequate hormone levels, even a small imbalance can affect your ability to sleep well – as well as sleep patterns.
  • Reflex, response and fitness – even a slight imbalance can affect your stamina, fight or flight reflex and ability to even get fit, let alone maintain it.
  • Knock-on effect to other glands in the endocrine system – very rarely is one gland affected in a stand-alone symptom set. Most cases of thyroid insufficiencies for example, are also accompanies by major fertility hormone imbalances and deficiences. And treating one aspect will often positively affect others.

A simple explanatory equation –






The above is what a normal human’s basic reproductive hormone pattern looks like, male or female. Of course, males have a little more testosterone than females and in turn, females have more progesterone and œstrogen than males. In between, there are other hormones but they are all reliant upon BALANCE.

And due to hormone mimicry in an increasingly toxic world, the balance is out – resulting in the other hormones in this delicate balance either not being made by the body, or in the wrong balance. This is usually triggered by a massive increase in œstrogen which in turn causes depletion of both progesterone and testosterone. There is always more œstrogen than the other two, but the problem lies in being too much.

We need to naturally increase progesterone – this, in turn, triggers an increase in testosterone and a natural draining of excess œstrogen. Most medical hormone-related treatments are œstrogen or steroid based – resulting in the imbalance and the hundreds of negative symptom sets that goes with it. Yes, including cancers, psychiatric disorders, massive weight gains, organ damage and even autoimmune disorders such as lupus.

Yet, the answer is so easy! If our governments were really concerned about our health, we’d be on the very basics of treatment from pubescence. Not only would it balance our hormones but it would prevent so many illnesses and symptoms that are commonplace today. At the very least, a progesterone-like herbal transdermal cream – for boys and girls, from the age of around 13, could prevent so many issues of today. It can safely be taken throughout life and not only prevent early menopause but aging.


There are men’s and women’s hormone balancing, natural and safe treatments available – from so-called natural fertility type clinics you will pay many times what is necessary. I have seen them work personally and clinically and have seen true miracles. Below are my favourite suggestions.

You have nothing to lose but so much to gain –

  • # 1 hormone balancing transdermal cream (ie herbal progesterone cream) – Buy here
  • Female hormone balancing herbal – Buy here
  • Male hormone balancing herbal – Buy here


More on the reality of œstrogen dominance here

See more on basic (but comprehensive) supplementation here





Basic supplementation can often be the best

Darn Good Yarn: Online Yarn Store | Ethical Yarn

It’s true. Before I learned the shortcuts it was normal for me to take 18 different supplements a day. All very safe, all very effective but a huge waste of money. There are a few very vital points to remember when considering supplementation –

  • Today, 9/10 supplements sold on pharmacy and some health shop shelves are synthetic. They are therefore pseudo nutrients. Alien to our bodies and capable of causing detrimental side effects. Choose only natural, plant based and organic where possible. I also advise to not trust any company that uses animal testing processes, or animal products. I do not see any equation between loss and suffering of one life and hoping to gain one’s own health.
  • We ALL need supplementation in some form. In the early 1920s in Australia alone, long before development and subsequent destruction of our environment, it was determined scientifically that 16 trace/micro nutrients were missing from our soil. Food comes from our soil. Even if we farm organically and biodynamically we will be found to lack somewhere, even if that chance is far less than someone who eats a rubbish standard western diet (that your doctor will advise). Our air and water and now exponentially more polluted and any nutrients we take in often are not assimilated due to the damage caused by our environment and modern day stresses. We must therefore then supplement at a cellular level.
  • Medical experts are not educated in diet – unless they sidestep and study this topic that has little to do with modern medicine. In fact, many old school nutritionists are trained only marginally more than doctors as they have learned from industry-penned dietetics books. Meaning the people funding the books – meat, wheat, dairy, sugar type boards. Hence the reason even the worst of ‘foods’ are classed as part of a vital balanced diet.
  • Inflammatory processes caused by medication, heredity, stress, environmental factors and so on prevent nutrient uptake. If your supplements cause your urine to become bright yellow (unless high in curcumin or other yellow-based supplements) you can bet they are either synthetic or your body is not adequately balanced to utilise these nutrients.

  • Animal proteins and other animal supplements are foreign to our bodies – much like a blood transfusion, our bodies are unable to recognise or assimilate this type of supplement. Nutrients must be at their smallest molecular structure. As such, it is possible for them to be dangerous if in the wrong form or source. Eating animal protein does not provide protein per sé – however a diet high in plant aminos – in a broad blend, will allow your body to recombine in order to build the various long chain proteins required by the various systems of your body. Likewise, even fish-based supplements are no more effective to your body than dog-based supplements. Side effects often outweigh benefits.
  • Supplements that are based on one or very few ingredients serve to cause further imbalance, throwing the entire body and all systems out. The medical habit of supplementing with calcium or iron or folic acid – or any other single source type suggestion (also adopted by many natural health professionals as alternative health becomes more medicalised) has arguably caused as much damage as other medical iatrogenic forms in the western world.

A good supplementation program will include the widest selection in the smallest number of sources. Something capable of building from a cellular level will affect every system of the body. Something capable of offering an alkaline/anti inflammatory protocol of detoxification, chelation, blood cleansing, cell building, tissue healing, immune building and both hormone and enzyme balancing/building is far more effective than ad hoc supplementation.

I have always seen the construction of any treatment plan to begin at a cellular level and to include every single aspect possible rather than trying one idea at a time. This offers no balance and serves only to drag out the healing process unnecessarily. So, how should basic supplementation be structured? Bear in mind this is a basic protocol – however it will positively affect the health of anyone, even if suffering more in depth health issues, notwithstanding unknown allergies or sensitivities.


Chelation – the benefits of chelation are too extensive to list in this one article, however they include (sources WebMD, Dr Joel Wallach – American Longevity, Ray Sahelian)  –

  • Mineral deficiencies.
  • Low energy.
  • Diabetes.
  • Arthritis.
  • Reducing blood cell clumping.
  • Reversing early cataracts.
  • Delaying greying of hair.
  • Flushing poisonous heavy metals from the body.
  • Improving general well-being.
  • Reducing aches and pains.
  • Blood cleansing.
  • Increases absorptive action of food nutrients.

Recommendation – order here


Wholistic Plant Based Superfood Tonic – if your supplement is simply labelled as Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, B2 and so on, you can almost be certain that it is synthetic. Good supplementation is all about the source and how synergistic it is with all other ingredients. Most supplements have all RDA necessary ingredients thrown in, no better than eating a standard western diet. Whether liquid, powder or tablet/capsule in structure the ingredients must be able to compliment each other, work together and be small enough in molecular structure for your cells to not only recognise the nutrients but be able to utilise them in their entirety. They should include a range of superfoods, antioxidants, herbs, enzymes, probiotics, immunity builders, organ healing herbs, adaptogenics and digestive tonics to encourage full absorption. Again, the benefits are too extensive to list here but will positively affect the health of any person consuming them. They will not only fill the gaps in a modern diet but address every aspect of physical, hormonal and psychological health.


Recommendation – 

Child or for those who prefer liquid tonics – Order here

Powder form – Order here

Capsule form – Order here

While this is a very basic form of supplementation, it is also very extensive. There are many aspects of health so please don’t take this to mean you have to do nothing else. Pure, organic ALKALINE foods, non toxic personal care and cleaning products, filtered water, essential fats/oils, superfoods, smoothies, fresh juices and more dedicated supplement recommendations are advised for particular health needs and issues.

Make no mistake – if you continue to self abuse and ignore warning signs, nothing will help. No magic pill or vaccine or surgical procedure.

However, this is arguably the best start you can get!


For a full indepth health assessment see here

Darn Good Yarn: Online Yarn Store | Ethical Yarn









Should I get a mammogram? Hear from personal stories…

breast cancer

How often do you get a mammogram? Why do you get a mammogram? Do you enjoy what is done to your body? And more importantly, would the males in your life agree to having their penis/testicles slammed and crushed with 20 kilograms at a time – on each testicle? Why not?

 a male-mammogram

So, what is a mammogram?

It’s a modern day torture device used without question in detecting breast tissue cancer. Or it is supposed to. Breast tissue is squashed flat between two metal/screen pads while images are taken. Unnecessary trauma – it is not uncommon for women to report torn tissue – being squashed while the woman is repositioned and pushed while entrapped.


You receive 1000 times as much radiation as you would from one chest xray. And we all know xrays are dangerous as it is.

Dr Samuel Epstein, one of the world’s top cancer experts, has stated:

“The premenopausal breast is highly sensitive to radiation, each 1 rad exposure increasing breast cancer risk by about 1 percent, with a cumulative 10 percent increased risk for each breast over a decade’s screening.”

But how effective are they? 

Up to 6 percent of women who have a mammogram – that is 6 in 100 or 3 out of 50 – will be given a false positive. This can have varied results – from unnecessary stress to unnecessary treatment. Including mastectomy, radiotherapy (more radiation) to chemotherapy. All because of a mistake.

0 mammomiss1

In a 2009 Cochrane Database Systematic Review of breast cancer screening and mammography, the authors wrote:

“Screening led to 30 percent overdiagnosis and overtreatment, or an absolute risk increase of 0.5 percent. This means that for every 2000 women screened for 10 years, one will have her life prolonged, and 10 healthy women who would not have been diagnosed if they had not been screened, will be treated unnecessarily.”

2011 BMJ findings about the damage being done by breast cancer screening, Sayer Ji of Green Med Info wrote:

“What is perhaps most disturbing about these findings is that, while they clearly call into question the safety and effectiveness of breast screenings, the studies upon which they are based use an outdated radiation risk model, which minimizes by a factor of 4 to 5 the carcinogenicity … What this indicates, therefore, is that breast screenings are not just ‘causing more harm than good,’ but are planting seeds of radiation-induced cancer within the breasts of millions of women.”

At nursing school, we were taught that most women will die WITH their breast cancers, not BECAUSE of them. What does that mean? Breast tissue, like cellulite, something else I often speak about, is comprised of fatty tissue that is known to attract and store toxins. Our body naturally encapsulates the offending toxins – this forms a cyst/tumour. And it is usually blocked off from circulation – including blood and lymph. Therefore it cannot spread. I have seen large tumours – the size of a golf ball, protruding from the tissue. It is not malignant and the woman has had the tumour for decades. Yes, it can be surgically removed but this type of trauma can in turn release the acidic mass that then affects surrounding tissue, resulting in metastases – see Annals of Oncology Journal


As awful as these tumours are, they are benign –

and if treated correctly would never have grown to this stage.

But wouldn’t doctors advise against them if they are so dangerous?

The short answer there is, many do! But they will ask you not to quote them or identify them. The sad truth is that they will be investigated and deregistered if found out to speak out against the monster that not controls modern medicine – pharma. And honest doctor is a wonderful friend to have. And becoming more rare with each passing year. Many no longer practice. Others have faced legal ramifications – others still have died untimely deaths.

Via J Miller – “Years ago at Baylor Hospital Dallas Texas, while waiting for an appointment to have a mammogram done, a doctor who was walking down the hall ask me why I was there (he was looking for some one). When I told him, he took me to a lab sort of room and showed me synthetic breasts on a board used for palpation training. Four of them and showed me how to palpate them and find cancer. Just amazing and easy. He told me never to get a mammogram again because they cause cancer. I left and never got another one. That was over twenty years ago….so they have known for a long time.”

The fact is, doctors are speaking out. Ex radiographers are speaking out – See more here

Via B Love – I got an ultrasound in place of a mammogram. I simply said to my dr “I don’t want my breast smashed can I have an ultrasound instead?” (Found a lump – benign) She said ok. Now this lady is Middle East Indian and also “prescribed” me yoga 6 days a week.. I wouldn’t call her integrative / she told my mom to take a cholesterol pill. Mom declined and 3 months later proved cholesterol could be lowered with diet and (normal pace) walking alone. But she is open to other ideas and modalities and says herself that private yoga instruction saved her daughter’s scoliosis. I simply decline all shots no one says anything to me. But my daughter goes to different dr – kaiser (actually there’s been a few switches but none of it matters of your kid is healthy, safe and sane. It’s like OK who is our urgent care she needs stitches this time – those of us who don’t vaccinate we don’t rush our kids around to ER or UC looking for [yet abother] antibiotic or ALMIGHTY MD opinion, we just don’t do we…

But doesn’t mammography protect you?

There is proof it could actually be one of the leading triggers for breast cancer. Between the trauma and radiation, anyone with a trace of common sense could see it’s a recipe for disaster and could cause exactly what you are being conned into thinking you are preventing. See the facts here

0 breasts

So what are the alternatives?

Aside from the obvious, self detection, our governments should be funding thermography instead of systematically having clinics shut down.

Meanwhile, around the world, we see Mammography banned while it is being pushed in the US, UK and Australia.

See more on my article re thermography here

Via T Martino – A few years ago they found a “cluster”. Put me through the breast biopsy from hell, sucked out 1/2 of my right boob then claimed to the biopsy results dissolved and did not give me any result. I just had a Breast Thermography scan. It is more sensitive and can pick up cancer sooner in time than mammograms. It may not be covered by insurance. I paid $180 for the initial and will have a second one in a few months, then yearly. It’s worth the $ to me, peace of mind, no radiation, and no idiots saying something is wrong when nothing is wrong. The nutjobs who screwed up the biopsy wanted me to have mammos every 3 months. I have never had another one and never plan to.

Via D William – I would just stay away from doctors, period. Check yourself and give yourself a good massage at the same time and that will circulate the toxins out of your breast tissue. Breast cancer happens because that is the fatty place in a woman’s body and that is where the body puts all the “medicine” and other toxins that it can’t process properly. Over time the body may try to wall the toxins off and you get a lump, its misdiagnosed as malignant by incompetent idiots in white coats who proceed to feed the cancers growth with their devastating “treatments” which usually will result in them surgically mutilating you or killing you with their poisons.

Where else can I get honest facts?

It’s true, while there is a plethora of advice available, paid groups like Snopes and Quackwatch – along with media and even your trusted doctor will plant just enough doubt for you to question even the most in-your-face honest truth. People exist just to bring the truth to you, if you want to truly know.

See more here

Wouldn’t there be a LOT more information available if mammograms were not okay?

The truth is, there IS a lot of information! You wont see it if you ask your doctor though.

Via J Strope – “Radiation is not the only dangerous thing about mammograms either. The destruction of the breast tissue also contributes to the formation of tumors.” Thankyou also to J Strope for the following links –

Is your bra capable of causing cancer?

Pink washing – is it complete?

So what can be done if I do have cancer?

There is so much that can be done. You just need to be pointed in the right direction. Ask why millions of former cancer sufferers are now walking free of cancer while doctors dismiss them as anecdotal, or deny they had cancer in the first place, or fight to have natural substances banned or restricted? Surely, if a doctor truly cared about your health he/she would find ANY answer, so long as it worked?

See answers on how to prevent this acidosis (the real cause of cancer) here

* If you place an order for any pure and healthy products through iHerb be sure to check the referral code of LSH273 can be seen at checkout to receive a further $10 off your total, on top of the heavily discounted prices.



Ross River Virus – Implications and chronic effects


Ross River Virus is a virus purportedly spread by mosquitoes much in the same way as malaria. Most cases are not reported as they are mistaken for influenza simply because the symptoms are very similar. In fact, many cases that present clinically are diagnosed as the flu – and most disappear by themselves through strong immunity.

Those who are immune compromised (having recently had vaccinations, antibiotics or serious chronic health issues) make up the numbers – and only those who have lived or visited heavily infested mosquito areas (where RRV is known to be present) are diagnosed with Ross River – usually because the patient has advised their recent exposure. Ross River is not carried by every mosquito and like other insect borne illness, it is dependent upon geography rather than the large presence of mosquitoes in any given area.

According to Notifiable Infectious Disease Reports, WA Department of Health, while there has been an increase in notifications, it tends to be more of a case that doctors are aware of the activities of a patient, instead of an actual increase in cases.

Around 100,000 cases are recorded annually – usually across the top end of Australia, however it is being more and more reported in low-lying areas such as the south west of WA. According to the Dept of Health,  Ages affected are mostly 39-45; with no real indication of why this age group is most affected.

It is usually classified as a non-fatal virus, however those affected in the long term develop myalgic encephalomyelitis (also known as ME/chronic fatigue syndrome). Initial symptoms include flu like inflammatory symptoms. Mismanaged cases that worsen and develop in chronicity display marker symptoms such as joint pain and swelling (mainly in the extremities), lethargy, myalgia, rash (involving the trunk and limbs), fever, headache and depression. These symptoms are identical in nature to chronic fatigue syndrome which is usually mismanaged medically and diagnosed as depression and fibromyalgia – and treated medically with anti depressants, NSAIDs and strong analgesia – and compound the illness as the patient develops addictions and dependence on the medications.

Development – with an incubation period after mosquito exposure of 7 to 9 days (but with a possible range of 3 to 21 days), diagnosis is often hit and miss as it closely mirrors many other viral symptom sets.

Diagnosis – Blood tests will detect viral loads and those displaying a positive IgM or a 4-fold rise on IgG titre is diagnostic of RRV disease – such cases usually display a range of very slight (and often overlooked) markers –

  • Eosinophilia
  • Splenomegaly
  • Anæmia
  • Blood viral markers

Concomitant symptoms –

  • Photophobia
  • Headaches
  • Fever
  • Rash
  • Painful and swollen joints – especially knees, ankles, wrists, fingers, jaw, neck, shoulder, back, elbow, wrist, hip, hands, feet and toes
  • Lymphadenopathy (enlarged glands)
  • Sore throat
  • Coryza (watery eyes)
  • Neck stiffness
  • Enlarged abdominal organs

Effective management and treatment –

Please also see my blog posts on Chronic Fatigue for more helpful tips – See here

  • When you place your order via iHerb, be sure to check that the referral code LSH273 appears at checkout to receive another $10US off your total order (first order only).















References –

Energy supplements –

Making the change – how do you even begin?

The average household has over 3000 toxic chemicals in a nasty, ever-changing cocktail; thanks to the unregulated industries responsible for –

Cleaning products

Laundry products

Dishwashing products

Bathroom cleaners

Carpet vapours

Furniture vapours

Paint and varnish vapours




Dental Care

Hair Care

Baby and children’s personal care

Personal care/hygiene products

Nail products







1940 – 1 billion pounds of chemicals manufactured worldwide per annum

1988 – 600 billion  pounds of chemicals  “              “         “

– 50% increase in cancer between 1950 – 77

– 1/3 population had cancer of some form by 2010


More than 16 minerals missing in Australian soil.

In order to grow culture from soil, minerals needed to be added.

85% USA soil is depleted of all minerals.

55% AUST soil is depleted of all minerals.

CSIRO soil testing decades ago showed deficiency of 16 trace elements which are essential for health of plants and in turn, the animals that eat them.

Nitrate contamination over time leads to formation of nitrosomes – cancer causing.

Osteoporosis can be caused by topical applications such as Voltaren, which leeches calcium & lessens bone density.

Aspartame (Nutrasweet) leeches calcium & triggers diabetes and MS symptoms

Acne – caused by hormonal  imbalance, food & shampoo aggravation.

After 5 + years on HRT or pill – 50% develop Lupus

Perfumes and cleaning products have ingredients used in nerve gas

Continuing on as we are, not even taking into account the external environmental pollutants, we are playing Russian Roulette.

Please inbox me or go to my healthy product page for more info. I encourage everyone to become a member of this company in order to access wholesale healthy home products. Simply type in pure, organic or healthy cleaning products. I guarantee you will be shocked at just what is available!













Cellulite – vanity or dangerous health issue warning?

Cellulite – is it a vanity thing or a health issue? It may be news to some that my natural therapy training took me to PhD studies quite a few years back now. Hardly surprising – considing I had to finish about 10 years of studies just to be considered even remotely close to a GP. Not that having ‘Doctor’ in front of my name would make me any more smart or worthy, but it’s the way society sees us – and sadly, some will only trust a naturopath if we have those two little letters in front of our name (or in my case, the 3 letters after my name). So, what was the subject of my thesis?


My research led me to the conclusion that cellulite, like ALL health symptoms, is not a stand-alone issue. In fact, even though it is predominantly a female issue, men can and do suffer from it (but just called fat) and yes, it is attached to a L-O-N-G chain of chronic and even terminal health issues and afflictions. It’s a sad thing that so many women I see have been told it’s just part of being a woman…

That’s not to say you rush off and panic about some hidden sickness. Basically, my research led me to realise that the lymphatic system is possibly the most overlooked and undervalued system of the body. Think about it – like a sewer, the lymphatic system is invisible. It is responsible for taking the waste away that your blood cannot flush into the intestines for excretion. Over time, the lines become gluggy and built up. Yes, we all know about swollen glands, but what about totally bunged up lymphatic pathways?


We should all be able to gently rub our skin with our fingertips without tiny nodules being palpable. Yet today, almost 100% of the patients I see, if I run my fingers over their skin, all display rugged little bumps and irregularities. Run your finger over a child’s skin and even if they are chubby, they will have incredibly smooth skin. Yet within 20 years it feels like a microscopic off-road track. It came as no surprise that almost 100% of case subjects had symptoms of chronic illness and obesity, even though very thin, young and seemingly healthy girls could also have the dimply demons.

Cellulite, as ugly as it is, is still ignored by the health profession – very frustrating from an iridology angle – a blocked lymphatic system is VERY visible… And considering it’s linked to lymphatic cancer, lymphadenitis, and even elephantiasis, I really can’t believe that it’s one of the many diseases that are addressed AFTER the fact – considering it’s so easy to address early on.


As one GP said to me, “Once you develop such a bad blockage of the lymphatics that you need a wheelchair, we have very good services and aids in place that could help with mobility.” So, for the thousands out there who simply seize up thanks to mismanagement, we would have to just accept an invalid life? Another GP once said to me ‘Just eat less calories’ – oh, so you mean less calories than the mostly salad and rawfood diet I was already eating? Less calories than the regular fasting I was doing? So much misinformation out there!


In the 90s, motivated as much by fear as I was by clinical frustration, I developed a two pronged program – internal drops and external body brushing and lotion which could loosen up what had become untouchable internally, by either the lymphatic or circulatory vessels. No, cellulite will do no more to your health than cause embarrassment, but it is very closely associated, out outward sign of true, chronic sickness – not quite causing it, but just may possibly be seen as a side effect of a wide range of sickness.

For example, why is it linked only to around 40% of obesity patients? Why is it so common in diabetes, but only in the abdomen? Why do those with leg cellulite display more heart disease symptoms than anyone else? Why is it very common in depression cases? Why do generations of unvaccinated and unmedicated families show no signs of lymphatic ill health? Of course, these are all serious issues that need addressing and simply removing cellulite wont get rid of the other symptoms. But for now, let’s look at removing the ugly side of these health issues. So, what do you do about it?


Around the time I did my thesis, a French company released (an unnamed) miracle treatment for cellulite that, thanks to overpricing, left my patients rushing to my clinic in droves to buy the treatment I had formulated for less than half the price. At the clinic I was practicing in at the time, we had wealthy ladies from Singapore actually fly to Perth just to buy this heavily promoted fad in bulk. What they spent on one trip could fund an entire village for a year – including their health problems – but such was the clever media coverage and advertising.

Meanwhile for my long story short, lots of success, lots of incredible results (including knock-on effects on other associated symptoms) and hand written thanks (yes, in the days before PCs and facebook) – but without financial support and a ton of attack thanks to the TGA and Australian medical association, I was forced to stop selling it. In short, and in the TGA’s own words, ‘If your product does not have the capacity to cause harm, we cannot approve or register it.’

There are treatments – it takes an alkaline diet and a safe transdermal cream to break down the blockages. Treat the entire body – remove toxic build up and fibrous networks of unnecessary gunk. Unfortunately my products are no longer on the market but I have found products that work just as well. So, what steps?

Get your body alkaline – information here – you wont get rid of cellulite without this one step. The diet is found here

It’s not just fat that causes cellulite – in fact one of the very first really bad cases I saw as a teen was with my ærobics instructor – she was as fit as anyone I knew but suffered badly, only in the thigh area – she ate healthy and played sport all day, but was addicted to bread and other processed carbs – a massive portion of cellulite is linked to  both carbohydrate and protein toxicity (ask why bodybuilders and athletes who overdo the protein and carb intake all end up suffering the worst from the visible effects) – your lymphatics become blocked and engorged, trapping other foreign particles that form the glue in your arteries – calcium, parasites, waste…


Gluten is one of the main causative criminals in cellulite formation – it’s amazing at just what a difference removing gluten from the diet makes. Massage is a great step, as is JET type therapy, so is manual lymphatic drainage. Colonic irrigation will begin a great flush but if you are not up for that, there is a great internal flush link below. At-home coffee enemas shock the liver and in turn, the lymphatics and are a great way to remove unnecessary fats. cupping therapy easily done at home will also bring rapid results. I am currently working with an orgone scientist to develop an exclusive cupping set to have even more harmonising benefits.

Hot lemon drinks in the morning – just fresh lemon juice in hot water, is the best start to a day you can have. Add a heaped teaspoon of coconut oil or eat that separately – it works like soap upon waste and fats in the body. Dry body brushing gently encourages your lymphatics and capillary tone and gets things moving.


But how do you flush your body? How do you stop it from happening again once you succeed?

To order safe, effective and vegan products please head to my page –

See here

– then type in the following codes next to the magnifying glass at the top of the page – each of these highlighted codes in order to find all the products you need to get rid of your cellulite –

Digestive/liver/lymphatic tonic – CSR-01760

Topical cream – SKI-82940

Detox/cleanse – REN-53450

Parasite cleanse – CSR-03600

Body brush – CSR-03600

Make sure you cut down on processed carbs – processed foods in general. Get healthy. Make chronic health issues history by making cellulite history. Eradicating this issue is by no means an easy one – but it really is that ‘simple’.

Medicine is yet to admit that ALL of our health issues, in all their complex forms, are intertwined. We need to think less of diagnoses and more of what our bodies are doing, then act accordingly. Do you have a sedentary lifestyle? Then just get moving! Swim, walk, breathe deeply, stretch and stop slouching. Stop wearing tight clothing as this was proven many years ago to be linked to circulatory damage that leads to lympœdema. I have seen women who were previously size 8 and exotic dancers, end up size 26 because, despite good healthy living habits, their circulation was cut by their clothing, over a long period of time.


Please see my other posts for any other symptoms or health issues – by typing in key words into the search bar on the main page. And click ‘follow’ to get updates!

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Your gut, your health and mental health.

Insanely interesting health facts – and YOUR health.

Herbal Papaya Leaf Supplements

Nice to have things we have known – or believed – for many years now validated by science, no matter how late it may seem sometimes. Here’s a little food for thought, if you still think your illness is an opportunistic or completely random one –

1. Pathogenic bacteria in your body outweigh your cells by 10 to 1. Depending on which you feed, and what chemicals you put onto/into your body, will depend on which flourish and how your health outcomes eventuate.

2. With all the talk on genomes and how this is the medicine of the future, science seems to dismiss the fact that bacterial makeup of our genes outnumbers our genome makeup by around 100 times – so genome distortion is less important than the right food – yes, even for so-called genetic disorders.

3. We NEED bacteria – so all this killing off by way of antibiotics (read = bacterial annihilators) and antiseptics, disinfectants and sanitisers are actually destroying your health and body.

4. Your digestive system is the most exposed, and sensitive system of the body. It is affected by everything you put into your body and onto your body. Nothing simply passes by without affect. Over time this will shape your life and health – this is the reason siblings, even so-called identical siblings, can end up, at the end of their life, having polar opposite personalities and even appearance.

5. Your gut bacteria affect your mental health, possibly even more than events in your life. So someone who has healthy gut bacteria, yet has been through abject physical and emotional torture, can avoid depression, post traumatic stress and other mental illness, while someone who has been able to avoid any real traumas, can develop deep-seated mental illness.

6. A person born through caesarian section, who is fed infant formula and never permitted to ‘get dirty’ or eat a natural diet, will have totally different gut bacteria to a natural birth outcome, and one who was breast fed and played in the dirt, and even lived in a less sterile home. In fact, the former, with the best of intentions, is most likely to have a poor physical and mental health outcome.

7. Due to bacterial manipulation, fast food addiction, personality disorders and health outcomes are all unavoidably interlinked. When someone says they ‘would kill’ for a burger or have eating disorders where they can physically only eat junk food, it’s often out of their abilities to change without intervention.

8, Diabetes is actually linked to gut bacteria destruction – whether thanks to antibiotics, vaccines or familial dietary/bacterial balance history – research focuses on anything but this little but long-known fact.

9. Weightloss is more to do with healthy gut bacterial balance than a ‘balanced’ or high protein diet. Programs that help in losing weight usually result in chronic health issues.

10. Asthma treatment is more about diet and gut bacteria than any side-effect-laden steroidal puffer. More about poor habits and low fibre intake than any genetic predisposition.

11. Cooking food kills bacteria, enzymes, most nutrients and chemically alters vitamins and minerals – making many unstable. So you could live your entire life on ‘dead’ food.

12. Physical fitness has little to do with your overall health outcome. In fact, I’ve had more chronic and terminally ill patients who are or were top notch athletes – and in over 30 years in health care, of the ‘sudden or unexpected’ deaths I’ve had the misfortune of dealing with, easily as many were athletes. They simply had unhealthy gut bacteria levels, high protein or processed carb, low fibre, overcooked and poor fat diets.

There is so, so much more to this. These scientists are still only scraping the edges, and also missing the mark on a number of aspects – such as the need for a plant based diet, fermented foods and totally missed the alkaline factor.

A little more here – serves to back up what natural nutritionists and natural/integrated health experts have been attempting to share for decades –

Please see my other posts on REAL diet. What about the toxins you are putting onto your body? There are enough articles on this blog for anyone to get it right, no matter where they are.

– and how about the most basic of bacterial realms, the soil? As we no longer eat directly from the soil, the very compound that helps you draw nutrients from your diet while turning your body into a magnet for good bacterial balance, fulvic acid is no longer part of a regular diet – thereby preventing us from healthy endocrine balance or protection from bad bacteria –

Digestive cleansing/detox – buy here –

Probiotics –

Digestive enzymes –

Gastro-intestinal healing –

Please take your health seriously. Health is, after all, the most important wealth.













Disease is not selective

It seems more and more recently that celebrities are being struck down with various disease – I have a sneaky and sad suspicion that pharma and medicine is using this for their own good.

What better way to get the masses on board to buy their wares and believe the hype if idols are spruiking their lies in desperation? Like Magic Johnson who arguably has pushed more sales of ARVs (HIV toxic meds) than anyone else on the planet, celebrity is now being used to con more and more people who are living in fear of whatever disease they are being told they now have. Often, these celebrities aren’t even using the treatments they are advising the masses to take.

This week just one of the celebrities I witnessed on TV – complete with visible suffering – was Tim Ferguson. I have long been a fan of his comedic antics and vibrant energy, and to see him so frail – unnecessarily so, is as heartbreaking as it is frustrating.

Multiple Sclerosis is one disease that is shrouded in misinformation and lies. People are being left to die appallingly while hidden truths are dismissed by academics and experts without even a hint of ‘just maybe’. Just maybe these alternatives will help make a difference. After all, millions of cases around the world are improving without so much as a portion of suffering – and these cases are dismissed as anecdotal or placebo at best. In all honesty, any person who pretends to live by the Hippocratic oath and professes to first do no harm, would take ANY opportunity to cure their patient rather than robbing them of all hope.

My first foray into medicine began aged 15 and continued until I was 25 and it was fraught with questions that had no answers – not from the experts, anyway. Yet as young and naive as I was, I found answers almost every day. Any effort to suggest them was met with smirking and ignorance – eventually I walked away from my medical school plans simply because the industry was dirty and corrupt. I saw too many innocent children, mothers and fathers, grandparents and disabled die needlessly, while others once again thrived by making their own choices in health care.

Multiple Sclerosis is one of the most terrifying and feared illnesses known to man. Yet dig deeper and it mirrors many other illnesses and deficiencies that medicine refuses to acknowledge –

In doing what I do, half my time is spent pleading with people trying to get well – over the last few decades, medicine has managed to con the western world into thinking they somehow can’t survive without medical ‘help’ yet more people live and thrive without it globally than depend on it. Sadly, the amount of over-medication that goes on, coupled with the spin and investment alongside the media and stakeholders is too powerful to consider anything as simple as honesty.

In the first decade or so of my years in practice I would spend as much time pleading with prospective patients (that I often didn’t charge for). Eventually I stopped doing so, but I can’t say I don’t want to keep trying to contact people when I hear they have cancer or MS or CFS or whatever I know can be helped.

But I’d still love to have an hour with Tim Ferguson. Diet, gentle natural therapies, eradication of foreign matter in the body such as mould and fungus and toxins – nothing to lose, so much to gain. It’s so frustrating knowing the truth in a world where that one word really doesn’t matter any more.








The Truth About Oil Pulling

After the discussions on oil pulling recently, here’s a little article that I have at the clinic… There is much much more online, with literally thousands of testimonies on this simple Ayurvedic health habit – the many benefits people experience for next to nothing… Next to this, the best thing you can do for your dental health is to use a fluoride/toxic chemical free toothpaste and whatever you do, do not use regular mouthwash. The use of bicarb and Himalayan salt ensure mineral salts not only neutralise but remineralise your teeth.



Mouth &, Gum Disease

Stiff Joints



Blood Sugar/Diabetes







Lung Disease





Menopause (hormonal)


Auto Immune


Varicose Veins

Blood Pressure


Cracked Heels


~ this list is not conclusive. If you read into each symptom you will be able to see just how many benefits it could have.


OIL ‘PULLING’ is a cleansing technique that consists simply in swishing oil in your mouth for a few minutes each day. This easy habit can kickstart your weight loss, whiten teeth, and improve your overall dental health including an ability to fight gum disease. Remarkably, it seems also to have a potential for detoxifying the body—removing heavy metals and other pollutants while strengthening the immune system for better overall health.


…”When Dr Karsch examined the gargled milk-white oil under a microscope with 600 magnification, he saw live organisms swimming in it. It’s poisonous, so never swallow it, he warns. These poisons are bacteria-embryos, which, if not eliminated, cause diseases. Apparently, Dr Karsach cured his own chronic blood disease and 15-year-old arthritis.

The first sign of improvement is in the teeth-they become firm and white, he says. Other healing indications: fresh, relaxed feeling on waking up, disappearing dark pouches below the eyes, anew appetite and energy, better memory and deep sleep…”




Step1: First thing in the morning on an empty stomach and before drinking any liquids (including water), pour one tablespoon of sunflower or sesame oil (or whatever oil you have chosen) into your mouth. Children can also do this with less quantity of oil provided they have control and practice not to swallow the oil.

Step2: Swish the oil around in your mouth without swallowing it. Move it around in your mouth and through your teeth, as if it

was mouthwash (don’t tilt your head back to gargle). You’ll find that the oil will start to get watery as your saliva mixes with it. Keep swishing. If your jaw muscles get sore while swishing, you’re putting too much into it. Relax your jaw muscles and use your tongue to help move the liquid around the inside of your mouth. When you do this correctly, you’ll feel very comfortable. There is no right way or wrong way to swish and pull oil. Do this gently, not vigorously, in a relaxed way for about 20 minutes.If you have the unbearable urge to swallow and If it becomes too unpleasant, spit out and try again. It can be a bit unpleasant at first when you’re not used to it, but soon will be just like brushing your teeth.When the oil has become saturated with the toxins it has pulled out, it may become whitish and a thinner, milky consistency, depending on the type of oil used. Each time you oil pull, it can take a different amount of time to get to that point, so 20 minutes is a general rule of thumb, but you can experiment with this.

If you spit out before 20 minutes, start again, the process is to make the oil swish enough time in your mouth so that it becomes a white thick substance which is an indication of process completion.

Step3: At the end, spit the oil out, then rinse the mouth with warm salt water. Salt water rinsing isn’t absolutely necessary, but is very helpful as an antimicrobial and to soothe any inflammation and proven to be effective in rinsing out any toxins which may be left out in the mouth. After 15 minutes, brush your teeth.



Refs –

Earth Clinic

Hindu Business Online

Pain, inflammation and aging – fighting all 3

Since the development of modern medicine, we have learned to focus on ‘A’ disease which is usually nothing more than the body screaming out that we are living/eating/behaving the wrong way.

What if the truth is easier than believing we are a ticking time bomb? What if you don’t have to remove that organ/tumour/gland? What if it really is as easy as eating the RIGHT way and taking the RIGHT supplements – as opposed to toxic-laden, substandard options?

The words anti aging have been bandied around for a long time but think about this –


Don’t believe me? What about doctors saying “At your age, it’s normal.” or what about “Don’t worry, it’s normal for older people.”

RegenaLife Jiaogulan Tea

– even when KIDS and BABIES get these diseases?

The truth is – our health systems are collapsing under a massive burden. Hearing of yet another poor mummy-to-be losing her baby because a hospital didn’t have any beds – what more proof do you need? Why is sickness normal now? How are ALL beds in hospitals filled to capacity?

The ONLY way to beat this is to get pro active. No excuses. Some of the most incredible health miracles I have seen is when there is no hope, a grim prognosis. And this happens every single day.


Find every answer you can. If you have a so-called genetic disorder, find answers. If you have health issues already, find answers. If you are faced with dangerous drugs and procedures, find alternatives.

It’s not ‘luck’ or a miracle that some people live to a serious old age, with zero health issues. Yes, some freaks of nature who smoke and drink occasionally pop up. But is that any reason to test it? Or the old adage “I have to die from something” or that stupid post circulating “I want to slide into my coffin sideways saying ‘what a ride'” – really? Look around!

Believe me, there ARE answers.

Get Your Skin Feeling Silky - $6.95 OFFER



Vaccination – a good choice?

Most of my patients and friends know my views on vaccination – for no other reason than I have seen both sides to the story and base everything I do on honesty rather than financial gain. Please note, like my other articles on this blog, this has been written from experience rather than needing to reference someone else’s work. That said, the links I share below include the work by other professionals and individuals. 

If you take the time to stop and actually take truth into consideration, vaccines do nothing remotely close to what you think they do.

  • They do NOT offer protection against a single pathogen or disease.
  • They have NEVER eradicated a single disease in history.
  • They DO have side effects – and these affect every single person ever vaccinated in some way, whether mild or extreme – this includes fever, pain, rashes, lowered immunity, triggering auto immune disorders, asthma, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, MS, palsies, neuropathy and neural damage, organ damage, SIDS/cot death and everything in between Ask yourself, did your child REALLY not react to the needle at all? No crying? No upset patterns? No ENT disorders? No behavioural disorders? It may seem that I blame everything on vaccination which is not true. But I’d be a liar if I said that introducing a toxin into an otherwise healthy body results in nothing at all except a positive result.
  • Shedding happens. It means that the vaccinated individual then becomes a danger to everyone around them – these with poor immunity, those not yet healthy enough to be protected, those already unwell and unable to fight – including babies and elderly.
  • Blanket cover is a con. Herd immunity is a con. Very cleverly cooked up by the industry to carry on the fear mongering that without these needles, which often contain nothing of the original pathogen, a healthy person is not healthy at all and a walking time bomb. That is simply not true.
  • A non-vaccinated individual is not a danger to anyone, not even themselves. That is so funny it is laughable yet experts and parents alike believe it. Think about this one little point – if a child is not vaccinated they are often prevented from mixing with other children and considered a danger. Yet almost 50% of the adult population is not vaccinated – somehow miraculously, adults that aren’t ‘covered’ aren’t a threat to any child yet to be vaccinated.

The links below have been collected over the years – I strongly suggest you read them, and buy a copy of esteemed homeopath Isaac Golden’s books which contain research and scientific facts that doctors hate you to know. Paralegal Maureen Hickman, whose career has been littered with vaccine legal cases has written a very informative book for parents and practitioners alike called Vaccine, The Right Choice? I advise every parent to read this BEFORE agreeing to anyone introducing any poison into their child.

  1. While doctors knock themselves out using single stories that are as tragic as they are mismanaged and badly written, case upon case of vaccine injury is dismissed, leaving grieving parents to carry on as if no one was to blame. Yet if a non vaccinated child dies from so much as a secondary infection, the parents will be jailed for manslaughter. Such is the extent of pharma corruption – and doctors are as complicit in this trade as those responsible. This article deals with personal stories – and just what is in a vaccine – formaldehyde, mercury, aborted foetal cells, egg albumen, peanuts, aluminium, ammonia, MSG – and much more, depending on the exact vaccine. I find it odd that any doctor will tell you, if you dare to ask, that vaccines are purely diluted forms of the original pathogen. That is simply not true. If your child’s behaviour changed from calm to uncontrollable; if they are repeatedly wick with unexplained illnesses (colds, ENT infections, etc); spike unexplained and repeated fevers, suffer seizures or you find them ‘different’ then you NEED to read his article before you agree to even one more jab –
  2. There are many such cases as the one tabled above. And the groups established to help grieving parents are usually shut down by government and medical authorities. As if those lives did not matter –
  3. A more concise list of vaccine ingredients can be found here – prepare to be shocked –
  4. If the TRUTH was shared about the real efficacy and side effects of vaccinations, no one would vaccinate. I know many doctors and health professionals who do not. They actually laugh that they are easily able to navigate the system. Yet they wont speak out. I have always said my kids would only be done over my dead body – and over the years I am so glad I stood my ground against prosecution and attack. So it’s happening once again – nothing new, but the frightening thing is, the ACCC has ramped up the case in order to make a scapegoat. Doesn’t help that ‘professionals’ that have gone from being seen as crazy to being accepted are now becoming turncoats (Dr Dingle for example) and those ‘Integrative’ professionals who steal health care from alternatives still promote vaccination actively. You are welcome to take out on loan, some of the research books I have at the clinic. What a shame that something we do to actually save lives is being targeted as a crime. Please get involved – and if you don’t believe in what I do, at least do some research on it rather than simply believe. First Do No Harm went out the door many decades ago…. – thanks for sharing Michael D. RobinsonIf you are still under the impression the medical establishment has your health at heart, you really need to have a reality check. Much more can be found here, don’t just take my word for it –
  5. One glaring truth I noticed clinically over the years was the incidence of illness in vaccinated children vs non-vaccinated. Surveys and scientific studies will make most parents squirm in their seats –

This is merely the tip of the iceberg, a collation of articles and comments I have saved over the years and there are many more. Please just do your own homework. Don’t listen to the scaremongers stating that homeopathy does not work – it does. They are simply unable to explain or understand it – or make money from it. Yes, it really is that simple.

The 10 Commandments of Health

(Yes I know we could add many more but let’s keep it simple)

  1. Attitude– Before you start, change YOUR attitude to your life. You can’t get healthy or stay that way by being negative, having self doubt, feeling a failure, or believing nothing will work for you just because you failed before. Ask yourself why people can go through horrific suffering yet smile and have the best personalities, the kindest hearts and succeed despite failing for years. Get ready – prepare – pray – meditate – believe a change is coming. It’s not easy but it is doable.
  2. Support– Surround yourself with the right people, support network and friends. If you can’t change some circumstances (family, work, etc) learn to brush them off and change how you deal or cope with it. Don’t take their dunnage (as my Dad calls toxic waste) on board – let them talk, cast negative aspersions onto you but don’t let it land – smile and give that negativity back to THEM. Smile and put your virtual earplugs in. Chances are they wont want to know anything about your lifestyle change – some may, once they see changes in you, but some never will. As the old saying goes, be the change you want to see.
  3. Detox– this is not just a physical commandment – detoxing your life is as vital as detoxing your body. While you detox physically, by way of herbs, water, tonics, supplements, teas and so on (even just lemon/bran water) do the same in your pantry. If it’s not there, you usually won’t want it. How many times do you go to the shops, see junk food and just not be interested? But you buy it anyway for when you crave it. Give it away, to friends, or your bin – just get it out. And that groaning freezer of CRISCO/bargain bin junkfood for convenience? Detox it. Chances are it’s only convenience – that means processed and full of toxic waste – you are better off eating air. Foot patches with vinegar/EDTA draw out so much waste the pads will smell like bacon – I am not joking. Gross – and people want to EAT that? Oil pulling (see my other posts on this simple Ayurvedic habit) will draw out parasites, toxins, waste and heal from within. Dry body brushing will erase dry skin cells to encourage youthful new dermal layers while removing waste from the capillaries.
  4. Water– hydrotherapy is your friend. There are literally dozens of different forms of beneficial hydrotherapy. My favourites include enemas – including colonic hydrotherapy/irrigation. Get it out – it’s just sitting there, clogging your body, damaging your organs, poisoning your blood. Swim often. Scrub your skin with sand at the beach or sea salt. Drink between 2 and 3 litres a day. Much is said about water toxicity – do you know how much you’d have to drink to get to that stage? You’d need to be drowning in water! Make sure you drink filtered, alkaline water. With an alkaline stick it is cheap (just ask). Soak in Epsom salts baths to detox your lymphatics and skin. Soak in footbaths of Epsom salts.
  5. Supplements– yes, there are supplements and then there are supplements. Unfortunately, most supplements today are owned or manufactured by pharmaceutical or medical groups who have zero background in nutrients. “Oh, iron’s good, chuck that in. Yeah, Q10 is good, let’s add that one, too.” And on it goes. I could test a patient at my clinic who has been taking supplements for years – there is little difference between them and someone who just eats well. That does not mean both are necessarily healthy, but it is scary to know how many are taking sub-standard supplements. A good supplement must be synergistic – high quality, organic, works well with other ingredients, bio-available, ethically sourced and actually not toxic. Many of today’s medical supplements are large in molecular structure – meaning too big to break down. Some are too small, meaning they pass the blood/brain barrier and can be toxic. Only a biochemist who knows the research is able to formulate such supplements. They are the only ones I take or recommend – unless they are made from whole plant foods. (See my blog posts on the right types of supplements here and what to order here and alternatives to popular and expensive MLM top quality supps).
  6. Diet– we are ALL on a diet – you may be on one of beer, white flour, meat, sugar, junk food and coke. It’s still a diet. It’s just not beneficial. Now, why is it that such people always ask “Why me?” when they get sick? If you get colds or flus, if you have a weight issue (painfully thin or obese), have a chronic ill health issue, hereditary issue or ‘unexplained’ health issues, regardless of what you have been told, your diet is not helping you. And most diets – including weightloss and disease-specific diets – are not beneficial. The ONLY diet that will help you heal, lose weight and avoid illness is a whole food, pH neutral and high raw diet. It is as much about what you put into your diet as what you take out. It is NOT about reducing calories or fats. What good is losing weight if your heart gives up? If you are pH neutral – in your urine, saliva and deep in your organs, you cannot be sick. Okay, so I guess someone is going to talk about terminal health right about now. Yes, even these. And mechanical illness, as in paralysis or vaccine-induced palsies? Well let’s be sensible here – we are not talking about them, so please stop the habit of trying to sway the topic in order to make excuses as to why this is not for you.
  7. Fitness– this includes passive exercise, basic posture, weight bearing exercise, breathing technique and physical exertion. Walk, sit up straight, sit on a Swiss (fit) ball rather than slouching in a chair (Read World Record Holder Story Here), walk around doing housework with sand leg weights, breathe deeply, tense your muscles as you go about your day (as my Dad was trained to do, walk like a cat/ninja); swim, pilates, weights, yoga, team sports, martial arts, boxing, and so on. Keep moving. Have you heard the story about the woman too obese to walk to the washing line? One day she did. Now she is thin. End of story. I am not joking. Day one she walked around it once. Day two she increased it. Within weeks she was walking down the road. Today she is a fitness instructor (read her story here). I will never recommend The Biggest Loser antics – not for anyone, not even those already fit, as few can hack it. Worse still, it damages joints, posture, body elasticity and function. “Yeah, I got fit but I am incontinent, have 50kgs of hanging skin, collapsed vertebrae, damaged knees and am sick all the time…” Crazy!
  8. Therapies– massage, cupping, reiki, Bowen, acupuncture, Osteopathy, Chiropractic and so on – you wont know what you are missing until you try it. You never know, you may just be missing one little thing in your life and it could be switched on so easily. Your therapist may even teach you some of this to do at home. Not just medicinal but long term benefits and even improving the effects of what you already do. For example, I have given auricular acupuncture as PART of a health and weightloss program – smoking detox, weight loss, etc – and what do you know? It is ALWAYS improved with a few minutes’ effort each week. If you cannot afford it, contact your nearest training college for natural therapies – they often run student clinics for a nominal fee, overseen by experienced practitioners – 2 for the price of one!
  9. Swapping– or my word for it, find your instead – like sugar? Find a natural food that will remove that craving. Zinc and chromium are amazing at cutting sugar habits. Like puddings? Make rawfood puddings such as chia chocolate pudding. Fill your house with alternatives – a pantry of health raw snacks rather than junkfood snacks (more here). Your fridge – or even your handbag can carry tubs or bags full of alternatives. There is always an instead you can try. Who knows, you may even like it. And rather than allowing your brainwashed thought processes to say ‘healthy raw snacks, yuk’ – give it a go. Most of my visitors don’t realise they are eating healthy.
  10. Medicine alternatives– I had the misfortune of going to a pharmacy recently. I wanted to scream. Overweight, miserable, absolutely wrecked examples of humanity all standing in line for their prescriptions. I may be trained at this but I could work out without even talking to them, what each of them needed – and sadly, the few times I have stepped up and offered alternative advice options, I have been verbally abused or laughed at – why?

This destructive lifestyle is not much of a reward for a lifetime of hard work and caring for a family. Ever wonder why some elderly people are vitally healthy without the need for drugs, while others are walking, rattling dispensaries? It’s not luck! Aside from the fact just about every drug therapy has an instead or alternative, it’s often lifestyle and conditioning that leaves millions dependent on their pharmacist/doctor combination. The most amazing thing is that few are even concerned.

A lot has to do with the whole ‘Ask your doctor’ advertising even if you have something not remotely medical (like weightloss and giving up smoking – or psychological effects of unhealthy living), but a huge portion has to do with the simple side effects of drugs and procedures done in the past. I advise my patients to set up a home medicine chest – make sure you are prepared. It’s no surprise that millions of families not just survive but thrive by doing this. See my post on the ideal, broad spectrum medicine chest set up.

Like mentioned above, just ask for more individual info. The rest is up to you – in 12 months you could be looking back in awe of what you have achieved, or you could be wondering how different it could have been if you had even made a few of these changes….


Benefits of anti oxidants

We have all heard medical experts say there is no research to show or prove that natural therapies work. Nothing to back that up, lots of posturing and theorising but the truth is, as much research goes into alternatives as it does orthodoxy. It’s just that medicine refuses to accept anything pharma can’t make money from.

The benefits of anti oxidants are far-reaching. Able to influence and improve every single cell of your body, the only reason medicine fails to grasp it is because they see all systems and symptoms as separate entities of their own volition. Chances are, if you have been unwell and there are no answers, anti oxidants will make a positive difference.

How healthy is your home? Do you take supplements? Do you know, you can even be taking them and not doing it the right way. I see this clinically all the time – testing a patient who does not take supplements is very obvious – ageing is at the fore (including pre-pubescent children who have the physical age of someone old enough to be their grandparents) but testing someone who takes the wrong supplements often brings about scary results.

Sadly, since pharma giants have bought out most nutraceutical companies, coupled with control by medical groups who have zero knowledge of this, has resulted in some terrible quality nutrients. It’s not good enough to, as I often hear, not bother at all. When I first began studying antioxidants, I was shocked that almost all health issues needed them to an advanced degree.

  • Got a pterygium? You need antioxidants as your eye tissue is mutating.
  • Get colds frequently? You need antioxidants as your immune system is sub standard.
  • Got hormone imbalance? You need antioxidants to correct the microcosm of the nutrients most medical and many complimentary health professionals overlook.

Trace elements and antioxidants are by far the first step in healing dis-ease. And that includes those already taking supplements. If you are suffering ANY health issues or inflammation, you need nutrients of some form. Asking someone living in ignorance about it is like asking a mechanic to fix your house wiring, or a pharmacist to do brain surgery.

The research DOES exist. Proof IS available already. For your sake and that of your kids, please just listen. I have found only one protocol that supplies ALL of your antioxidant, micro element/nutrient/mineral and superfood needs. In fact, to make up an equivalent would cost thousands of dollars per week.

Yes, it is that good. If you do nothing else for your family’s health, please consider Spectramaxx – a powerhouse of real superfoods, anti oxidants, fulvates, colloidal minerals and trace elements. This alone will provide more than any product you find on a shelf, in a pharmacy or health shop. Or on a practitioner’s shelf.

Below is a list of anti oxidant benefits –
“The amount of antioxidants that you maintain in your body is directly related to
how long you will live”
— Richard G. Cutler, MD

Central Nervous System
 Many cross the blood brain barrier to help protect the brain from free radical
damage, thereby helping the brain remain healthy
 Protect against dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, stroke
 Help to prevent and reverse heart disease
 Lower your risk of developing (and dying from) coronary heart disease
 Indirectly help to lower blood pressure
 May raise HDL, “good cholesterol”, and lower LDL, “bad cholesterol,” thereby
decreasing risk of developing heart disease
 Help prevent the oxidation of LDL, thereby decreasing cholesterol deposits from
forming (atherosclerosis)
 Help to alleviate lung disorders, including asthma, cigarette smoke-induced
injury, emphysema/COPD
 Relax blood vessels, thereby improving blood circulation and helping to
normalize blood pressure
 Help to decrease blood viscosity (keep blood cells slippery) and prevent thrombus
formation (blood clots from forming), thereby helping to prevent heart attacks and
 Strengthen blood vessel walls, decreasing the risk of bleeding
 Increase nitric oxide levels. Nitric oxide has positive effects on blood vessels,
prevents inflammation, helps to lower blood pressure, and improves blood flow to
the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain
Immune System
 Boost immune function and protect against many types of infections
 Have antiviral, antibacterial, antihistamine, and even anti-cancer properties
 Inhibit the enzyme necessary for histamine production (antihistamine effect),
thereby alleviating hay fever, allergy symptoms, eczema, and asthma
 Generally, shown to dramatically reduce the likelihood of many cancers; also, slow the progression of existing cancers
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Gum health – a sign of something more sinister?

Image result for dental health

Bleeding gums is a common health issue in the western world. It is said that 75% of all health issues have a connection to dental problems; it is a vastly overlooked concern.

From an orthodox dental viewpoint, we are told to avoid sugar, brush our teeth, have regular check-ups and – most frustratingly, regularly apply fluoride to strengthen our teeth and gums.

The fact is, dental health in society is as bad as, if not worse than our counterparts a century ago. We are told that back then, oral health was a major issue. It was – because if lifestyle resulted in tooth damage, there was no effective treatment to build the tooth and it was left to just decay and poison the body.

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Nowadays, we have just as many missing teeth; we just have better falsies…

Why is it so? Yes, sugar is extremely high in today’s diet – so too, is the amount of processed foods which are acidic. Dental products in general, are a major cause for alarm – the consumption of one tube of toothpaste is capable of killing a 2-year-old – fancy needing emergency surgery to prevent death by toothpaste! Many brands have warning messages and veterinary surgeons advise that human toothpaste should never be used for animal use.

Not because of any special sensitivity, but because of the same reason humans should not use it. The foaming agent is possibly a carcinogen and tissue separating chemical – SLS. Fluoride, one of the biggest cons of today’s world, is one of Nazi Germany’s legacies – a waste product that was promoted as a miracle chemical that should be added to water to prevent cavities – what better way to dump that pesky nuclear waste?

In reality, it causes leaching of calcium and magnesium from the bones – yes, the increase in hip fractures – and dental cavities are actually caused by what supposedly prevents them. It also causes nervous system damage and a very real dumbing down of entire populations. Toothpaste is not alkaline – therefore you are putting acid onto your teeth and expecting a miracle. The same with mouthwash – it is acidic and carcinogenic. What a price to pay for fresh breath!

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So every day we bombard ourselves with acidic foods and toxic chemicals – all in the name of dental health. The only thing this ensures is a steady stream of income for dentists – and more ka-ching for dental product manufacturers. Why is it that 3rd world oral hygiene is often better than western? Diet plays a big part, so too does the absence of fluoride in drinking water.

Most people know my issue with self-mutilations such as loads of tattoos, piercings and extensive dental work such as root canals. Few consider the implications of these upon dental health – or health in general. What good is it, trying to make yourself look ‘better’ when the cost is your health, even your life?

From a biological dental point of view, almost every acupuncture meridian runs through teeth, affecting your health. I had a colleague who could take a look at the teeth of a patient and diagnose every health issue past and present. For example, many women with breast cancer have root canals or crowns in the tooth through which the lung meridian runs, ie breast zone. Likewise, those with bowel cancer often have either decay or foreign objects (crown, filling) in the teeth affected by the large intestine meridian line.

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If you present at the dentist with bleeding gums, straight away you will be told you are not brushing your teeth properly. I have heard dentists share this sage advice to someone – of course not knowing they were speaking to a dental expert. Technique is important for sure – seeing huge gaps between the tooth and the gum, from hacking and too much pressure – is not only frustrating but avoidable. The fact is, the best modern advice is failing.

So what to do? Maybe if we go back to the beginning, and start there –

1. In utero, a baby is often accused of leaching nutrients from the mother. It’s only half true – yes, they do take whatever is available in the blood. But at the same time, they also take the bad stuff as well, resulting in all form of health issues. While doctors will tell you what you eat has no bearing on the health of the baby, nothing could be further from the truth. Simply put, eating right during pregnancy will result in not just good teeth but good health for both baby and mother as well. People who eat well are often told they are lucky for having healthy kids – it doesn’t come free and it doesn’t come to someone who eats junk – well, not for long, anyway. Enzyme levels are used up fast in an unhealthy baby and that is where the body starts to chew up vital stores and in essence, break down (age) during the years they should be developing.

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2. For optimum health, the baby needs the best – breast milk is just that. In 3rd world nations, women have no choice, yet in the west, more than 50% of babies are not breast fed because we have supposed healthy options. Infant formula, processed baby food, processed juice are ALL acidic. Any milk other than mother’s is acidic. And more importantly, humans are the only mammal that does not wean their young – giving milk as a so-called health food when it is just a mucous-inducing acidic slime in reality is nuts.

Image result for asian baby breastfeeding

3. And on we go to regular diets – all acidic. Anything with flour, sugar, dairy, meat, colours and additives is acidic. Cooked food is acidic. So too with fizzy drink. And on it goes. You child is not missing anything by going onto a healthy diet – the child that is allowed to eat what he/she likes is missing a lot…

4. And despite good oral habits, dental maintenance and half decent diet you still have bleeding gums? It’s not gingivitis – it is acidity.

Image result for tooth decay in kids

The good news is that you can do a lot about it…..

a) First, keep brushing, but use a non-fluoride toothpaste without SLS. Don’t scrub your teeth, the pressure of the toothbrush should be no more than barely scraping the surface. Pressure wont remove any more plaque but it will damage your gums and in turn, starve and expose your teeth.

b) Second, rinse your mouth with either bicarb or stablised chlorine dioxide (it is safe to drink!) – or salt water. Not table salt, as it too is acidic – but Celtic, Himalayan or sea salt.

c) Floss at least once a day. Residue clinging to the teeth just allows anything bad to keep doing what it is doing.

d) Tap your gums. This is an unbelievably easy and effective way to improve circulation to your gums and therefore teeth. The process is simple – rub a tiny amount (as in barely touching the bottle cap with your finger and rubbing that along the toothbrush bristles) of either eucalyptus, tea tree or lavender oil, then tap above and below, in front and behind each tooth along the gumline. It increases nutrition to each tooth and the difference to the gums and teeth is obvious in a short time. Do this every time you brush – at least twice a day. It shrinks the gums, reduces redness and allows receeding gums to once again cover the portion of tooth that it would, if your mouth was healthy.

e) Oil pulling. This is an ancient Ayurvedic method that strengthens gums and teeth. It improves circulation and detoxes blood vessels, heals mucous membranes and improves nerve supply. It is as simple as taking a small mouthful of a good quality oil – sunflower, olive, apricot, grape, etc – not canola or any oil in plastic. For around 20 minutes you hold it in your mouth, swishing and pushing between teeth with a sucking motion. Most people complain of their gag reflex being too strong – I have a similar problem and was able to overcome it in a short time. My desire to improve my health over-rode any weakness I had. After this time, you must spit it out (NEVER swallow as it is now a toxic sludge); and rinse your mouth with water.

If the issue still occurs after you have changed to each of these care methods, you may need homoeopathy to correct some form of homoeostatic issue – but in most cases, these simple measures will ensure your oral health is no longer an issue.


So, what about using natural health oral care?

* Pure, non-toxic product only. Use this just once and see the difference. It feels like you have just had your teeth polished. How long since your teeth have felt like glass? Zero fluoride, zero SLS or any of the other regular nasties. Of course, if you tell your dentist that you use it, they will tell you that there are no benefits, that the sugar in it is still a sugar. Fact is, the sugar used in this toothpaste is actually known to remineralise the enamel. From the time your baby’s teeth come through, you can rub a tiny amount onto a soft toothbrush with a short handle, that they can chew on. And if your child is in the habit of sneaking toothpaste to eat, you can rest assured that they will not be poisoned…

Kids – toothpaste

Whitening – for adults

Sensitive – toothpaste

Mouthwash – all ages

* Progesterone Cream. Hormone balancing but also capable of reversing brittle bones by remineralisation – balancing the hard minerals in the hard tissue – bone and teeth.

Order here

* Colloidal minerals can be likened to micro magnets – by taking a small amount each day, it encourages absorption and utilisation of nutrients that ordinarily would be excreted without benefits. It allows for the basic building blocks of all tissue, including soft and hard, such as bones and teeth.

Order here

Nothing can beat diet and healthy (biological) care!





ACNE – an unnecessary epidemic.


Seeing an extreme case of acne on the face of a young man today I felt compelled to share this yet again. Hearing he and his friends talk about pro-active and clearasil almost made me sick. Speak to any sufferer about diet and toxic chemicals and you all of a sudden become a weirdo. As a former acne sufferer I know my face would not be acne free or scar free. But it is possible.

So-called anti acne treatments have covered billboards and loaded TV commercials since I can remember. As around 90% of people in the west will get acne (it is rare in purer, less contaminated 3rd world nations – but equally high in those nations that the west has used as a chemical dumping ground) it is big business.

Sadly, most products and information comes from unethical companies that stand to make a billion, so will say and spin truths however it suits them – and sales.

I have heard ‘skin experts’, pharmacy assistants, pharmacists, doctors, dermatologists and even people in the alternative health industry spin such rubbish on acne that it is no wonder that acne remains in epidemic proportions. Drug therapies, topical therapies, laser, cosmetic treatments, etc etc – the list is endless – and few of these work permanently. But most have horrific side effects.

From seriously strong antibiotics (fertility and behavioural problems), steroids (endrocrine and nervous system damage), chemical peels to OTC supposedly safe treatments, myriad long term health issues remain – and with that, a continual stream of steady income. Entire practices based on acne care have emerged. Entire aisles in pharmacies. Pretty photoshopped young things in impressive advertising, with perfect skin (and previously clever make up artistry) – with little to prove but bad burns, clogged pores, facial hair and scarred skin.

The truth is, there IS help available. Sadly, most of it is publicly ridiculed by the medical fraternity because simply put, there is no money to be made – but much to be lost. Watching yet another round of Proactive commercials this morning on TV, I felt compelled to share with people on FB what I shared with my patients in private practice for years – for free.

It’s up to you whether you want to ‘try’ it – you have nothing to lose. Be assured, simply saying ‘it wont work’ is not going to miraculously get rid of those zits – or stop scars. Proactive, along with most on the market, contains a long string of extremely hazardous chemicals in a cocktail that can and does cause permanent damage. I should know – professionally and personally, I have had a long run with acne.

By the age of 18 my acne developed (to the dismay of parents who’d had no experience with acne – ever) – to the point that one day, tired of being called a pizza face, I first approached our local pharmacy. The young girl shared with me everything she had been taught at beauty school or wherever pharmacy assistants go to learn what big pharma companies want them to impart. Then the pharmacist made me up his own brew. From experience, this guy was brilliant and he’d often come to our aid with injured cats, dogs and horses, so I had great trust in him. When hundreds of dollars’ worth of products did little more than inflame it (don’t you just love the common catchphrase “It will flare up before it gets better – that is detoxing..”?) I went to the local GP, then a skin specialist. By then, my skin was as stripped, peeled, burned and detoxed as any skin could survive – I had a permanent red face that was in 24/7 burning pain. I steamed, scrubbed, masked and blasted every spot – causing almost irreparable damage in the process.

My nursing training photos showed me with massive breakouts, deep scarring and generally unhealthy skin. My best friend at the time had just started working for a naturopath, and here I could really say ‘End of Story’ but I wont because people need to know the truth – and have some hope.

Some of you know what happened next. The same naturopath that saved my Dad’s life when he’d been given a short time by doctors, also took one look at me, told me what to eat, what to take, what to use and within 4 weeks my life was changed forever. Of course, everyone who noticed the change, when told what I was doing, would say, “Pfft, witchcraft. It doesn’t work, you know..” Okay. I felt so guilty that my Mum had tried herbal remedies and I too had called them witchcraft… Anyway, out went petrochemicals and dairy, gluten, meat (at the time I still occasionally ate a little – at my GP’s insistence) and the few sugars I was still taking. I increased my water intake and drank only hot water with lemon instead of coffee or tea. And while my skin improved immeasurably, it was still experiencing the damaging effects of decades previously – but a look into a black light box (showing extensive damage) – and changing once and for all to petrochemical free skincare at the age of 37 years, I saw my last pimple – and my skin was as soft and line-free as a teenager’s…

And not one pock mark or red scar remains. Yet at one stage I had Homer Simpson’s beard line – except mine was acne scars.

So while most ‘experts’ still say diet, hormones, product and lifestyle doesn’t affect acne, in essence they are all right and all so wrong. How? Because it is not just one thing.

* Diet does affect our cells – it is that simple. So change your diet. Detox and drink lots of water while avoiding the rubbish that teens seem to love. Your skin renews itself every month or so, it can really take that long, once your body is fed and healed, to get new, perfect skin.


* Hormones do affect our skin – in some shocking ways, internally and externally. From conception, our hormones are affecting our growth and development – in utero and then later as we are exposed to hormone mimics like perfumes, steroids, dairy, meat, chicken, etc, etc. Avoidance and use of a topical cream like hormone balancing cream – – from puberty will help in most cases.

* Product affects our skin, hair, nails, eyes, ears, teeth and mucous membranes. The ‘shampoo line’ and too frequent shampooing can irritate due to the ingredients being dermal irritants, carcinogenic and damaging enough to affect vital organs and separate cell layers. The shampoo line – wash your hair and see where the shampoo runs during rinsing – from scalp to behind ears and face, back of neck, chest and down the back – yup – exactly where acne trails run. Often, just changing your shampoo and skin care is enough – – and

~ the trick is to keep your body as hygienically clean as possible while nourishing the skin and hair without irritation or saturation. There is no one answer but a complete lifestyle change – after all, it’s your lifestyle up until now that made your skin what it is!

– * Lifestyle affects everything we do. While some lucky few are able to bombard their bodies every day and still look perfectly healthy and shiny, they are very rare and it is amongst that frustrating group that I have found the most chronic illness. Reducing alcohol, coffee and poor habits such as smoking and too little or too much sun will make a vast difference to not only your skin but health and appearance in general.


The thing to remember is that it took a whole lifetime to push your skin to the point it said “NO MORE!” – what’s a few months and a basic change in lifestyle compared to that? Drinking herbal teas ( and getting your blood alkaline will add to the guarantee of the removal of acne and scarring. If skin on the outside of your body is pushing toxins out of the body, how toxic must the insides be? It’s NOT part of a healthy teen’s life expectations – sadly, that too was invented by companies trying to con the public into buying so many useless products – and allow unethical junk food and sugary drink companies to keep pushing their toxic rubbish. This protocol is safe and effective for all ages.

A pure, herbal and natural skin healing supplement also has many benefits both short and long term –

It’s free to become a member – all products are wholesale once you become a member.

The additional health benefits are very far reaching and you will soon notice it’s not just your skin that improves. Best of all, these products last for months and unlike most of the other acne treatments out there, you don’t need to use them forever. But once you clean up your act, there will be many safe products available to maintain your new skin.

You can’t get clearer than that.

Former acne sufferers (my daughters) – no scars and no acne…















Free and budget health tips we all need

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Gen 1:29
Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you…”

I have been asked quite a bit lately to revisit some of the ‘short cuts’ to health. This page, if you go back far enough (it would take you a few weeks…) has all sorts of valuable health tips from diet to the right supplements to particular health issues, often urgent ones that it seems the entire health system has been unable to solve.

Below is a ‘cheat’ list – or shortcut – as old as Creation – to simple steps and benefits – things you can do at home, almost without thinking about it – nothing too difficult and often with things you have in your pantry/fridge/garden.

The mission statement of my work has always been to never be beholden to any institution, corporation or body which controls any advice I may offer, against my will (or His will) – and is always about ethics and equality/rights of all living creatures – for this reason I never recommend anything that involves cruelty or suffering at someone else’s expense – or anything with the hidden side effect list which is always attached to pharmaceutical care.

Please save this list – print it off if you like – and use it to make effective changes to your family’s health. Apologies ahead if it seems scattered and confusing in places – there is just so much to share – and so much in our modern lives that needs changing – it can get messed up!

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EPSOM SALTS – aka magnesium sulphate – mineral salts are mentioned in varying forms, over 40 times in the Bible – there are many forms and are a necessity of life; used as a seasoning, preservative, disinfectant, during ceremonial offerings – even as a unit of exchange. It signifies permanence, loyalty, durability, fidelity, usefulness, value and purification.

This form of salt is the draining mineral, used in magnoplasm and in internal medical treatments as well as alternative treatments to drain toxins, clean up the lymphatics and remove infection. My favourite way to use it (apart from the garden!) is to bathe in it – as hot as you can bear – yes, it will make you very sleepy (for those who find it difficult to sleep….) – the water may even end up with a yellow or otherwise dirty tinge as your capillaries open up and everything from chemicals to infection is leeched away.

From an iridological point of view, I have seen very toxic irises become very clear in a relatively short period of time just by bathing in it once or twice a week. If you don’t have a bath, make a hot foot bath (top up with hot water [carefully] as you become used to the temp) and soak for as long as you like – watching TV, added to a foot spa etc. Not only will it help with dry skin but if you have noticed your feet or ankles swelling during the day, it is because gravity draws toxins down and fluid is drawn to the area to try and flush it, hence the ‘fluid’ retention. E salts will pull the waste away and let the vital fluids return to where they are meant to be. This is perfect especially for people with a lot of cellulite, skin disorders, internal infections and so on.


LEMON DETOX – (aka citron in the Bible) – first mentioned during Moses’ time, in the feast of the tabernacles. It is known as the goodly fruit and seeds have been found dating back 4000 years. It symbolises hope, fertility, abundance and trust. Biblically, those who do not feel joy, those who constantly yearn for something, are anxious and restless, those who cannot sleep at night – and if we consider all of this, it is about rebalance and restoration – and in health terms, our pH which affects every system of the body – too low equals inflammation, pain and illness.

This is THE fruit of an Edenic lifestyle. Most people do not realise that we are not meant to eat a lot of fruit as the sugar is as bad for our health long term as the white poison itself – on that note, ‘fat’ does not cause obesity, over eating carbohydrates is the real criminal here. That includes fruit sugars. And for those of us who are fruit-a-holics, this is a difficult thing to consider.

Lemon is usually seen as acidic but its action on the body is to alkalise it. Yes, I know, but something you learn in natural health is opposites are often the norm (eg – homœopathics). The best thing you can do for your body in the morning is take an alkaline drink. Even if it is all you do for a while. This is the number one tonic. There are many ways to do it – in cold water, warm water or even hot water instead of tea/coffee. I like it in soda water, or even with Himalayan salt and psyllium added for extra detox and electrolyte purposes. It sets your digestion up for the day and has positive effects on everything from your skin to your bones – even your brain.

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ALKALISING BICARB DETOX – another form of salt; mentioned in Jeremiah as a cleanser/purifier – arguably my favourite health tip, bicarb of soda (also known as baking soda) is the number one mineral you can add to your body. Too numerous to mention in one article (see my post at getting your pH right), bicarb will flush your digestion, your blood, lymph, strengthen your bones, clean your skin, improve your circulation, and much more – basically, it can keep you alive when things look grim; yes, even in many terminal situations.

Just one flat teaspoon morning and night will take the place of many medications. In my house, we use it for colds, flu, infections, upset stomach, aches and pains, headaches, really anything that might pop up. Basically, if you are pH neutral it is difficult, some say impossible, to be sick at all. Dissolved best in hot water, allowed to cool and drink. Some like it in lemon water or soda water as it masks the dreaded taste – but don’t let a few seconds of gagging stop you from doing the most beneficial thing you could possibly do!


ELECTROLYTE ENERGY SALTS – It is no wonder why salt is mentioned as much in the Bible as gold. A good, Edenic salt contains all the micro minerals/elements that our blood and cells need for vital health – and energy.

Firstly, throw out any table salt you have in the house. Even recent studies have shown that what was once a healthy thing to do; eating salt, can now be full of dangers. Salt is no longer healthy – high levels of mercury and lead, pollution and even radioactive contaminants can be found now in most table salts. Pink Himalayan salt – dirty river or pure sea salt and Celtic salt – these are amazing tonics and yes, you could even make a sports/energy drink using them along with lemon juice and water.

If you have an upset stomach, miss a meal, need a pick-me-up or even just want to keep your blood pure, use this salt liberally – yes, even if your doctor has told you to avoid salt. Processed table salt is toxic to your health – but a coloured or dirty salt is pure medicine at its finest. In fact, if you have a high level of sodium in your body (fluid, heart disease, kidney disease etc) by taking these health-giving salts daily, you will physically flush the waste sodium from your body!


VITAMIN D FOR FREE – Malachi 4:2 – But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.

As a former serial sunglass offender, I discovered some time ago I was low in vitamin D. As I am not a fan of most D supplementation (thrown in the same bin as calcium, iron and folate supplements) I knew there had to be something I was doing wrong to have a low level of something so simple. Did you know, 98% of the vital rays you NEED to make your own vitamin D is absorbed via your pupils? So, unless you live in a nation where there is no sun (Antarctica/Norway, etc) or have no eyes, you can make your own D for free. All it takes is 15 minutes a day WITHOUT sunnies!

As a blue eyed individual I found it almost impossible to do this. But the alternative is worse. So I stuck at it – and now, unless I am out in the sun all day, I don’t wear sunnies. And wouldn’t you know it, it only took a few weeks until my D levels were through the roof. PS I also don’t wear sunblock unless it is going to be an all-dayer… I can hear the gasps about skin cancer – the causes of this insidious and cruel disease are more chemical than natural and even though researchers know this, it doesn’t make money…


SLIPPERY ELM – an internal balm, thought to be the terebinth tree in the Bible, under which Abraham entertained 3 angels. It is soothing – in fact, one of the most soothing and lubricating balms in Creation. If taken or applied, it can offer such relief from inflammation and pain, without side effect, that not even strong opiates can match.

This is one of my favourite herbal preparations. You can buy it in powder form and it’s simple to take. Mix one teaspoon in a glass of warm water – it takes a little getting used to, but you wont regret it – especially if you have stomach pains, IBS, digestive issues, brittle bones, respiratory issues, internal inflammation or anæmia. It puts a lining on the entire digestive tract, stopping inflammatory pain like nothing I have ever seen. Also, it heals the lining of the small intestines – the place where red blood cells are meant to be made, taking the pressure from the bone marrow which has already pushed D and calcium/magnesium out into the soft tissues – resulting in both anæmia and brittle bones as well as rheumatism and bone spurs. A bonus is that Slippery Elm is a mucosa soothing herb – meaning if you have respiratory issues or infections, or even muscular problems – or reproductive issues – this herb will find its way and soothe pain and inflammation in no time.



GINGER – possibly introduced by wise men and women from Asia, records from Biblical times show it was nibbled on to soothe the stomach.

I’d always avoided this herb even in my early days of studying herbal medicine. Then, at an international health symposium that I’d helped chair, I met an astounding doctor from Venezuela whose thesis had been on the properties of ginger. Most people think of that (unhealthy) glacéd version or powder or to flavour Chinese food. There is a hospital where this woman worked, with an entire wing dedicated to the research and prescription of ginger and her notes left me wanting to follow her and dedicate my practice to just one plant!

From reproductive issues, to cancer, to flu (bathing in hot water with a few tablespoons of the powder will break the flu and allow the body to heal) to muscle and bone – even nerve inflammation. In fact, when my daughter was gravely ill with CFS, ginger was the only thing that gave her relief from the abdominal pain and internal organ swelling. It makes a good tea, a good addition to soda water, eat it to increase your immunity. I always have a bag or two of the spice and fresh ginger in the fridge. If you have soil suitable for growing it, plant some today.


PSYLLIUM cleansing – due to a pure, organic high fibre diet in Biblical times, there was no need to supplement with laxatives. But who of you eats Biblically? Yet purging is mentioned 23 times in the Bible – so even if eating well, as in purely, we need to make a big deal of purging! So what do we do, when we cannot do the most basic cleansing process? We go and get something chemical from the pharmacy?!

There is nothing like this herbal! Most of us see it as just a bowel cleansing medicine – yes, it is, but it dissolves fat, cleans up blood, flushes toxins and much more. Don’t sprinkle it on your food – especially if you have a chronic constipation issue. Instead, soak it overnight in a tall glass of water – I use a pint glass. If you don’t have time, soak it for at least half an hour. Stir and add more water if needed and drink. If you have an issue which sees you on the toilet for much of the day, then this will also work – it bulks up the bowel, absorbs the waste and draws water to the bowel, flushing it away and rebalancing your digestion.


CLAY – there are over 30 mentions of clay in the Bible. Jesus even used it for healing.

This mineral has been overlooked for too long. Okay so some people use it as a face mask or body skin treatment, but so much more can be done! If you dissolve a heaped teaspoon in water and drink it, not only are more minerals added to your body, but toxic matter is drawn out – it also absorbs fat. If you make a mix of equal parts coconut oil, bicarb and bentonite clay (if you know a driller, ask them for a cup – or buy it from garden suppliers) it is one of the best tooth polishes and remineralisation agents. In fact, it would do away with the need for toothpaste.

Herbal Teas – often dismissed as witchcraft from Medieval times, we are literally robbing ourselves of vital health simply by not using herbs in cooking and drinking habits. The very first thing I studied when I decided to leave medicine, was herbs of the Bible. This is a vast matter in and of itself but this is a very good start –

There are many, many more budget and free tips available throughout this blog. Please use them!









