Neurostatins – a new way to kill the elderly – blowing the lid on a toxic, catastrophic cash cow.

Once again, like many times in history, a drug with catastrophic side effects, for which the patent was due to expire in 2016, is being rushed through as the next great hope in the fight against Alzheimer’s.

Clever pharma spin had been planting the seed for at least 3 years. Cleverly chosen words now have even the best doctors believing it is the next stealth bomber in the fight against Alzheimer’s…

Do you still hold the belief that the medical system is here for your benefit? Do you really think that the aged care system – groaning from underfunding and a veritable burgeoning goldmine – truly cares for the people making them wealthy?



I hear stories daily of the elderly being summoned at least monthly, sometimes fortnightly ($39 payment from medicare) to their doctor’s surgery. What amounts to a full day out – leaving the house at 8am, sitting in the waiting room while the private insurance patients are taken care of (don’t feel bad, they have nothing to do anyway, right?), finally seen at around noon (appointments actually made for hours earlier) – hardly spoken to as the caring doctor stares at their screen…

Roll up your sleeve, check your blood pressure. You ‘must’ have cholesterol and heart issues so here is another drug (without checking any possible contraindications until the patient returns with more symptoms – another $30 per box kickback while the PBS takes care of the rest)… Here’s a flu jab, or how long since you have had a vaccine for (insert any name here) and thanks very much ($16 per jab incentive up on top of the initial kickback)….

$85 profit per consult (free to you and me but the govt happily pays). I don’t go to doctors for any other reason than moral support for the occasional concerned friend or family member. But the few times I have, I have spent an average hour waiting. The last incident I counted 5 elderly waiting their turn with more walking in on a seemingly never ending conveyor belt. Even if it were only 5 an hour, and IF the doctor only did 5 hours a day, we are talking over $2000 per week based on just the elderly, not even talking about insurance patients, kickbacks, vaccine incentives and whatever else subsidy scams are going on.



‘NEURO’ statins. Do your own google search, MIMS annual search, PubMed search. There is little on NEUROstatins. So why do you think this new drug has been invented? Its effect on lymphatic cancers is questionable AND the patent is up for grabs in 2016. As with Prozac/Sarafem, one must simply find a new sensational use – if there is none, invent one.


I have heard this from doctors’ mouths many times in my career. It’s brilliant if you think about it. There is no interest in autopsy of the elderly. When the masses die, it is dismissed as age-related or ‘natural causes’…

Headlines are screaming right now –

Neurostatins could prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s and exciting promises such as –

Neurostatins may reduce the risk of Alzheimers’ but then it gets REALLY exciting – BAM!!!!

Neurostatins may BEAT Alzheimer’s and just in case hopeful loved ones don’t see the real keywords here ‘could’ and ‘may’ other headline promises such as –







Pretty promising when it’s still a theory and notwithstanding the little issue of warnings… But has any of that stopped the masses from rushing out to pre-order before approval? Heck, most would have a lobotomy if they were told it would protect, guard, tackle, clock, inhibit or reduce the ‘risk’ of Alzheimer’s. But what ever you do, don’t suggest dietary change or God forbid, those dreaded natural therapies…

Dig a little…


What were the side effects and warnings of ‘neuro’ statins again?

  • Skin reactions (mostly itchiness and rashes)
  • Birth defects
  • Leucopenia (reduction of white blood cells – ie poor immune/fighting ability) – read anaemia, infections, fungal infections, candida, cold, flu, bone marrow diseases, lupus, splenomegaly, thyroid disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, parasitic infestations, vitamin/mineral deficiencies – in other words, just about any organ and system of the body.
  • Headache
  • Weakness/asthenia
  • Blood lipid anomalies such as hypercholesterolaemia (high blood cholesterol) and hyperlipidaemia
  • Diabetes
  • Lymphatic cancer (hang on, isn’t this what it is currently used for?)
  • Insomnia
  • Dizziness
  • Dry eyes
  • Visual disturbance, cataracts, visual impairment (read blindness)
  • Deafness
  • Peripheral oedema
  • GI upset and severe abdominal pain
  • Abnormal liver function
  • Arthralgia and bone pain
  • Myalgia
  • Altered hormone levels
  • Allergic reactions
  • Weight gain
  • Constipation
  • Tachycardia
  • Nausea & vomiting
  • Bilirubin or blood in urine

But don’t worry; they can put most of those symptoms down to age and besides, medicine has vaccines in the works for each of those pesky issues. The most frustrating thing is that families are falling apart when those who believe they know best, are happily agreeing to the killing off of their loved ones. Those who just may know better are dismissed as trouble making. ANYTHING to ensure that bed is reserved, right?


Are they the same chemical makeup as neurostatins?

No. But check out the similarities in side effects.

This one particular drug – Bexarotene is an anti-cancer drug that must NEVER be given to anyone planning to have children.

What testing has taken place?

At the risk of sounding very un-medical, here’s the kicker…. A test tube experiment. And in nematode worms. Both of which obviously suffer with Alzheimer’s you understand.

Forget that it was heavily panned as a wonder AD of choice a few years ago see the real reasons they want to use it.

What’s the cost?

Well, once it’s approved for Alzheimer’s, you know the price will go up. That means anyone on insurance will be draining their benefits. If it’s on PBS or if you have to pay for it, think at least (based on current prices) around $20 per DAY.

How very civil of them – the manufacturer advises that there is no relationship between the presence or severity of side effects and the effectiveness of the medication. Why thankyou very much for that vote of confidence.

In other words, the medication ‘may’ help with Alzheimer’s but it WILL kill you off much faster. Well, they did promise to do something about the ageing population ‘problem’…

If you really want to be healthy and live into old age without the threat of Alzheimer’s there are many things you can do. Don’t wait for it. Don’t become part of a sick, twisted western medicine experiment. Make no mistake, there is no funding to the tune of billions a year to ‘take care’ of the ageing population with natural methods. Thankfully there are many natural and integrative professionals already getting on with the job at their own expense. For more information and measures on how to care for your ageing loved ones, see guidelines here.



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